Saturday, September 30, 2017


Well, it's that time again.


2 weeks from tomorrow, on October 15th, I will take on my 9th Full Marathon at the NEBRASKA MARATHON, here in Omaha.

Today, I completed my last long run...16 for the next couple of weeks I will be reducing the miles, shifting my food intake, stay hydrated and WAIT!

I've talked about it here in the BEST YEAR YET blog, that many who run distances of a half marathon (13.1 miles) or longer, don't like the TAPER.


For some, I think it's the idea of doing less for the next couple of weeks, when for the past 14-16 weeks they have been doing some BIG ramp up in miles.

Me, I LOVE when I hit the TAPER.  I guess I learned, early on, to embrace it.

I remember going into my first Half Marathon in 2013.  My training schedule had my longest run be 10 miles.  I remember that on the day I did the 10 miles, it was EVERYTHING I had to just finish it.  After I was done, I thought, "how in the world am I going to be able to go another 3.1 miles?"  I now had a week or two of shorter miles.  Was I going to be able to go the distance?


I'm not a running coach, or an expert on this, but listening to others who are, this is a great time to let your body recover from all that you have put it through.


Repeat after me:  "REST - IS - GOOD!"

It's the same way in our lives.

We get so busy doing the "marathon of life" that we forget to give ourselves a much needed rest and recovery.

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28 [NLT], "..Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."

HIS rest is the best rest to get.

So, it's time to LET THE TAPER BEGIN!

I made mention last week, via different social platforms, with my running of the NEBRASKA MARATHON, I am raising money and awareness for a GREAT organization here in Omaha called THE ABIDE NETWORK.
Back in July, I transitioned away from my role as an Executive Business Coach to a new role with a ABIDE.
We are "Building Culture to transform broken and underserved communities" through Neighborhood involvement, Youth and Adult Leadership development and a thriving church (BRIDGE CHURCH) that is getting "Out of the Seats and into the Streets."
Will you be a GAME CHANGER and join with me in supporting this great organization? I know that it is coming up quick, but I'm looking to raise (at least) $1000.
To support ABIDE in this way, go to From either your mobile device or your computer, click on the "MAKE A DONATION" button (in RED). Once you are there, enter the amount and then in the "free form" field that says, "Add special instructions" please put "GAME CHANGER" (this will help ABIDE know how this support came in).
Thank you for all your support and being a GAME CHANGER, because we are BETTER TOGETHER!

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