Saturday, September 23, 2017


So, a couple of weeks ago, the CHEERLEADER and I were in Oregon.  

Our main objective was to go to the Nebraska vs. Oregon football game.

Although the HUSKERS didn't win, we had a great time.

I mentioned in a previous post (THE TRAIL; September 12th) about hiking the McKenzie River Trail while we were in Oregon.

While on our hike, we came across this downed tree that was cut back from the trail (see pic above).  Our friend that we were with said the tree was referred to as "OLD GROWTH."  It had grown for YEARS before it either fell or was cut down (the rings on this prove it out).

We saw many OLD GROWTH trees that were still alive that day.

It started me thinking......OLD GROWTH is good, but if there is not any NEW GROWTH, what is there will eventually die out with nothing to replace it.

Which brings me back to Nebraska Football.

There are many who are always reflecting back to the "Glory Years" of the 1990's...Conference Championships...National Championships....("DOMINATE on 3....1-2-3 DOMINATE!")


It's good to reflect back.

It's good to remember how it was.

But it is only good for an example to us today.

In the Bible, 1 Corinthians 10:11, speaks to this idea of looking back when speaking of the Children of Israel.  It says [NLT], "These things happened to them as examples for us......"

Stories of the past are great lessons to learn from.  So much we can take and apply to the current situation.....BUT, we can't LIVE there.  WE.ARE.HERE.

So, OLD GROWTH, in any area of our lives is good, whether in rooting for our favorite sports teams; looking back at family dynamics; history; etc.....BUT, once again, we need to realize that we don't live there and the OLD GROWTH is a good example to us.

So, as we continue on our BEST YEAR YET journey, let's take from the past...the OLD GROWTH....but let us also look to where we are today and what is in front of us...NEW GROWTH!

To get a better visual of how big the OLD GROWTH tree's a pic of me standing next to it.

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