Sunday, September 10, 2017


Growing up, I liked to watch the show THE BIG VALLEY (1965-1969).  The show started the year I was born, but I remember watching it...most likely in reruns/syndication.

The show was set in or around Stockton, California and told about the lives of the Barkley family.

They were a "well to do" family, but like all TV shows like it, there were all levels of challenges and victories.  They seemed to "have it all," but did they really?


There's just something "comfortable" about THE VALLEY.

There's something of "beauty" about THE VALLEY.

THE VALLEY I want us to look at in our BEST YEAR YET journey, is just that.  A place of ups and real HIGHS, but no real LOWS either.

Here's something about THE VALLEY:  usually, you are thankful that you are not in THE DESERT.....but there's a part of you that longs for THE MOUNTAIN TOP (we'll discuss THE MOUNTAIN TOP in tomorrow's post).

It's not that you are in a bad place, but boy, that mountain top sure looks like it would be better.  Just think of the view.  Think of the position you would have being WAY up there.

THE VALLEY is what real life is all about.  

UPs and DOWNs.....JOYs and SORROWs...PAIN  and ELATION.

THE VALLEY has a lot of great things about it.  Don't just always "WANT" for THE MOUNTAIN TOP that you miss the JOY that is right in front of you.

I don't think there is anything wrong with striving for THE MOUNTAIN TOP, just don't let that desire cause you to miss out and ALL the great that is in THE VALLEY of your life.

So, embrace your VALLEY and all the JOY that comes with it.

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