Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Earlier this year, the Cheerleader and I were looking at a website called, MyIntent Project.  It is a cool site that make bracelets and necklaces with what looks like a washer, hand stamped with an individual or personalized "word."  When I got on the site, the first thing that grabbed my attention was this question they asked:
What's my word?  What is MY word? I had to think.  If I was going to get something meaningful...something that I could use to explain the "WHAT" and "WHY" when others asked me about it, it had to have meaning to me.  So I asked myself again.....WHAT'S MY WORD?

I really like this dictionary meaning of the word "Word(s)":

a unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds or their written  representation, that functions as a principal carrier of meaning.

That last part, "...that functions as a principal carrier of meaning."  This part of the definition reminded me of a verse in the Bible:

"The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences."    Proverbs 18:21 (NLT)

The words we use are VERY powerful.  Words are "carriers."  They carry life or death; blessing or cursing; building up or tearing down; encouragement or disappointment.  Now, this is when we use words towards others, or towards our selves.  Notice the last part of the verse, "those who love to talk will reap the consequences."  Sometimes we can read this and only think of the negative, but there is a positive "reaping of the consequences" as well.

I heard a story once of a former Major League Baseball Player who, after he retired, was a motivational speaker and a minister. He was asked to come to a state prison to share his story with the inmates.  He told them that growing up, his father would come home from a long day at work, but would still have time to play catch with his son.  He'd tell him, "Just aim for the mit Jim.  You've got a strong arm Jim.  Someday you're going to be a Big Leaguer, Jim."  Even if Jim would make a bad throw, his dad was still encouraging him.  Sure enough, there came that day that Jim made the Major Leagues.  He went on to tell them that even though they were in prison, they could still make an impact on themselves and those around them.  After he was done, one of the inmates came up to him and said to Jim, "Sir, thank you for your story.  You know, you and I are not too different, because I turned out just like my dad said I would.  Each day he'd tell me that I was no good.  That I wouldn't amount to anything.  That I would end up in prison."  Words are carriers.  Use them wisely!

Words are powerful.  So let me explain the meaning behind the 3 words in the picture above; INTENTIONAL; THRIVIVOR; PURPOSE

This one is the Cheerleader's. When I asked her what it meant to her, this is what she said:
  • Being thoughtful...being purposeful...seizing each moment to connect or make an impact in my life, with the Lord and with others.
I LOVE her word because I get to see it in her all the time, but it's a reminder to her to always LIVE this word, wherever she is.

This one is mine.  Now, I knew that it was personally made, because I'm sure they don't have a bin full of "THRIVIVOR" washers waiting to ship!  This is what this word means to me:
  • When I went through the prostate cancer diagnosis last year and the subsequent treatment/surgery, I didn't want to just SURVIVE and be a cancer SURVIVOR (don't get me wrong, surviving is the #1 goal), I also wanted to THRIVE in my life!  I want my story to inspire others.  So I came up with MY WORD, "THRIVIVOR!"
I wear 2 bracelets.  My 2nd is PURPOSE.  This is why I chose this word:
  • PURPOSE means living my "WHY" daily.  What gets me up in the morning gives me the fuel to "GO" in my day.  For me PURPOSE is asking, "What do you want to do with the rest of your life?"  It's about realizing that TODAY is the first day of the rest of my life....the first day of the BEST of my life.  
The Cheerleader and I are going to take OUR word(s)...be INTENTIONAL as we allow our PURPOSE to cause us to continue to be a THRIVIVOR as we live out our BEST YEAR YET!

What about you?  WHAT'S YOUR WORD?

Monday, February 27, 2017


"Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7 (NLT)

As I mentioned yesterday, the Cheerleader and I just got back from a week's stay in Mexico.  One of our daily rituals was to just watch what was going on in the ocean.  Where we stayed was right on the ocean and our view was very...VERY pretty.  There were a few rock formations that were built to help temper the waves as they came in to shore.  On these rocks, each day, sat a group of Pelicans.

Every now and again, one of the birds would leave their perch on the rocks, fly up, circle around and then dive right into the water...and usually come up with a "snack!"  It was a very cool sight to watch this take place.  At other times, like in the picture above, they would just fly...glide really...right on top of the water.  It was if they just "LEANED IN" to something...a force...that carried them effortlessly over the water...whether the water was calm or was choppy with waves. THAT was an amazing sight.

This "gliding" reminded me of a conversation that I had one time with Navy Pilot, who flew fighter jets.  He talked about flying at a certain ALTITUDE where it seemed as if there was no effort.  He called it, "GLIDING ON THE RAILS!"  That is what I imagined watching the pelicans fly over the water.  No effort....no care.  Quite the opposite of flying into turbulence and landing "hard," like we did when we arrived back home.  Felt like we "dropped like a rock" when we touched down.

I have found that dealing with "turbulence" will be there in our lives, it's how we choose to deal with it.  A couple of days ago we looked at "ATTITUDE and ALTITUDE."  Are we keeping our "nose" up or down?  The above verse from Philippians is a GREAT "gliding on the rails" or "altitude climber" when we find ourselves dealing with things in our lives.  To experience PEACE externally, it first starts with PEACE internally.  The best way to find that peace is to "lean in" to HIM.  The verse in Philippians, right before our the one above:

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." Philippians 4:6

As you go about your day...your week, find that place...whether the water is "calm" or "choppy"...that you LEAN IN and keep "GLIDING ON THE RAILS" to your BEST YEAR YET!

Sunday, February 26, 2017


This past week, the Cheerleader and I spent a FANTASTIC (much needed) week in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.  I read a couple GREAT books, that I referenced here in the BEST YEAR YET blog, as well as just some awesome gazing out over the Pacific Ocean.

We got into a great routine: sleep (with the slider of our room open to hear the ocean waves) until the daylight woke us; go down and save a couple of chairs to have both the shade of an umbrella and the sun; usually I'd go to the gym and run a few miles; eat some breakfast; then to the poolside for the rest of the day for reading, talking, sitting in the water; get cleaned up; go eat; enjoy the hotel entertainment; go to sleep and hit the repeat button the next day.

At the beginning of our trip, the departure day seemed like SO FAR away, but each passing day, brought us closer to our return home.  Oh, and it snowed at home while we were away!

When having conversations with people and travels, I have been known to say that I have 3 favorite places on the planet:

  • FIRST and foremost, wherever the Cheerleader and I are together is #1
  • Next, New York City
  • Finally, Maui, Hawaii
I know, NYC and Maui are so opposite, but I just love the energy of THE city and the peace of Maui.  

This week's trip, would not get it own category, but it fits into #1 because that's where the Cheerleader was...and I was with her!  The singer/song writer, Phil Vassar, in 2000, put out a song, "Just Another Day In Paradise."  He does a great job of telling a story and in this case, no matter what the day to day challenges we have, with us it's "...two hearts and one dream...I wouldn't change it for anything...And I ask the Lord, every night, for JUST ANOTHER DAY IN PARADISE!"

So we had this INCREDIBLE time in Mexico.  Coming home we had a pretty uneventful flight to Atlanta.  I don't know what happened next, only to surmise that about 2000 others were coming home from someplace international, into the ATL, all at the same time.  There didn't appear to be enough of the custom agents for all that were wanting to come to America last night and as a result, we got to spend a bonus night in Atlanta as our plane departed about 3 minutes before we showed up at our gate!  A late night....early morning....2 hour flight and arrive to a wonderful 33 degree Omaha!  

Tonight when I lay my head down to sleep and prepare to get back "at it" at work tomorrow, "I'll ask the Lord...for JUST ANOTHER DAY IN PARADISE!"

Saturday, February 25, 2017


How's your New Year's Resolutions coming along?  Do you still remember what they were?  Here we are....56 days into the new year, are you executing on your plan?  Has your enthusiasm for your plan dropped off?  Do you have a plan?

For many, life has gotten in the way.  Our intentions are right on....BUT.  I heard it said, long ago, "you can have results or excuses, just not both."  Here are 3 quick tips to get you back on track:

1.  Look again at your goal(s) for the year.  NOW, reduce your time frame from the calendar of January to December, to the immediate next 12 weeks.  Just focus on what you would like to accomplish in the next 12 weeks.  For example; you have a goal to lose 20 lbs. this year.  Focus the next 12 weeks on just 10 lbs. 

2.  Once your have your 12 week Goal in mind, what are the 2-4 actions that you can do that will get you in position to hit your goal?  Be VERY specific with your action.  In other words, don't just say, "I want to lose weight this year." or "I want to be out of debt" etc.  Have your focus be on the ACTIONS.  These are actions that YOU can control.  Here are a few examples for a health/weight loss related goal:
- Consume 1500-2000 calories a day
- Work out 5-6 days a week
     - 3 days cardio
     - 2-3 days of weight/resistance training
- Get 8 hours of sleep each night
- Consume 120 oz. of clear water each day

Once again, it is what YOU can control that will make the difference.

3.  Now it's time to implement/execute the plan.  Don't wait until all the conditions are "right."  START NOW!

Depending on what your GOALS/RESOLUTIONS are, do something that you can track daily and then look back at.  Writing in a journal at the beginning or end of the day is a great way to do this.  At the end of your 12 weeks, reflect back on where you started to where you are at and you'll see your progress in this journey

Today is a good as a day as any to get started as it is "the first day of the rest of your life!" 2017 can still be your BEST YEAR YET!

Friday, February 24, 2017


I have a friend who is a pilot.  He also has a personal prop plane and a number of years ago, he took me up for a couple hour flight.  I have flown commercial many times, but there is something different about a smaller, personal plane.  You are up in the air, but close enough to the ground that you can see and make out what is below you.

On our flight, my friend would tell me about his instrument panel and what different things meant.  A couple of things really caught my attention.  One was the fuel guage...for obvious reasons!  The other was when he started talking about our altitude.  He said that the relationship that the nose of the plane has with the ground or the sky, is called "ATTITUDE." He went on to tell me that the "ATTITUDE" determines the "ALTITUDE" of the plane:  Your "ATTITUDE" is up, you go up.  Your "ATTITUDE" is down, you go down.

What a GREAT picture of our lives.  Think about it:  if you have a bad "ATTITUDE" and your head is down...nose to the ground...more times than not, you have a hard time.  Almost feels as if you "crashed!"  BUT, if you have a good "ATTITUDE," head up/nose up...you soar...as they would say, "The sky's the limit!"  


Here are 3 quick things you can do, while you are sipping on your first cup of coffee each day:

  • Wake up each day determined to MAKE IT A GREAT DAY
  • Start off each day thinking of 3 things you are GRATEFUL for
  • Walk out the rest of the day with your head held high...with your ATTITUDE soaring through the clouds.
Having a BEST YEAR YET is mostly a decision YOU and I make, especially when it comes to our ATTITUDE!  Remember, YOUR ATTITUDE DERTERMINES YOUR ALTITUDE.  How HIGH and FAR will you go today?

Thursday, February 23, 2017


Good morning!  I have something to tell you...to start your day off with, here it is:  YOU DID NOT WAKE UP TODAY TO BE MEDIOCRE!  There, I have said it.  Really, I'm telling myself the very same thing today.  

You...me...we have all been given TODAY to shine.  Shine right where you are.  Work, school, church, at the store...whoever you find yourself today, SHINE like the star that you are!

Matthew 19:26, Jesus looked at them intently and said, "Humanly speaking, it is impossible.  But with God everything is possible."  Don't look at ANY situation that you are in as an impossibility.  Instead of it being impossible, say "I'M POSSIBLE!"  

Here are a quick 3 things you can do:

  1. Be AWARE
Keep your "antenna" up.  Know your surroundings.  Be on the lookout for ways to express your "shine."

Don't try to be a good immitation of someone else.  Be the BEST version of you.  YOU are an incredible person full of a "symphony of life" that others want.

You have the AWESOME "DNA" in you....let it out!  

The world needs what YOU have today....go give it to them!  

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Did you know that there are anywhere from 6800 to 6900 known languages in the world?  The Cheerleader and I looked it up this morning at breakfast.  How about that...in our world there is a variance of 100 languages that might or might not be...BUT there are at least 6800 KNOWN languages.  How many do you encounter?  2...maybe 3 at any given time?

Have you ever been to a metropolitan city...New York; Chicago; Washington D.C.; Los Angeles; etc.?  And those are just inside the United States.  When you walk down the streets of, we'll say, New York City, it's not uncommon to hear 7-8 different languages in the distance it takes to walk a few blocks.  

When I'm in places, like the BIG cities, I'm reminded of how small my world is.  How small my thinking truly is.  The Cheerleader and I have friends who are missionaries and live in other countries.  We have some friends who have moved from the US to England to Nigeria to the "uttermost parts of the world."  They have "widened their world!"

We have helped those who are in other countries do what they feel called to do.  We even sponsor a gal, Josephine, from Uganda through a GREAT organization called WATOTO.  We've been sponsoring Josephine for a number of year.  Each year we usually get a nice, personal, update letter from her...how her life is; education; and following after the plan of God for her life.  She is always so grateful and encouraging to us. Each time we get the letter and and update photo of her (my has she grown over the years), I think, "but what have we really done...give some money each month?"  But what we HAVE done has made a HUGE impact in her life.  Don't minimize the impact your giving has and can make.

Today, the Cheerleader and I talked about doing more.  Don't get me wrong, it is GREAT to be able to give, financially, to help missionaries and those living in other countries, have the means and supplies they need.  But we....I...want to do more in these days of my BEST YEAR YET.  

So, Cheerleader, looks like we need to WIDEN OUR WORLD, and get a few more stamps in the passport!  

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


The Cheerleader and I were talking about life...specifically our life together and making "impacts" along the way (I know, you're probably shocked/not shocked by that statement).  There's an exercise I put my coaching clients through that helps to unlock deep held beliefs they sometimes didn't know were there.  One of the questions asked says, "If you were to die, peacefully, in 14 days or 14 weeks, and you didn't know which one...what would you do in the next 14 days?  Then, if you make it past the 14 days, what would you do for the remaining 12 weeks?"

Some don't like thinking about and answering questions like this.  It gets us into a place of vulnerability...an emotional place that is uncomfortable.  BEST YEAR YETs are not always comfortable!  We see situations in other's lives that cause us to hit the pause button and think...REALLY THINK about our lives and what does this all mean?

How would you MAXIMIZE your last day?  After I have my clients go through this, I ask, "If these last "14 day important items" in your life are truly important, WHY not do them now?"  Why should we wait to bring home a dozen roses...just because (I know the Cheerleader is reading this, so I have just put it out there....)?  Why wait to express your love, thankfulness, gratitude, etc., until it's too late?

If each morning we wake up to the possibility of "DAY 1 of the REST of our LIFE," then maximize that DAY as if it is the LAST DAY OF YOUR LIFE.  What is it that you have always wanted to do?  What job or business have you always had a desire to start?  How about that book you've talked about (maybe just to yourself) writing?  Don't wait until tomorrow to enjoy a "moment so dear."  GO.FOR.IT!  How about you just... Laugh more.  Smile more.  Cry more.  Give more.  Serve more.  JUST.BE.MORE!!

So as you are thinking about this...what is something you will do, as part of your BEST YEAR YET, to leave no regret?  Drop me line and let me know.

Monday, February 20, 2017


Challenges.  In our day to day lives, we don't necessarily look for challenges, they usually seem to find us.  Even as we are on this journey in our BEST YEAR YET, we WILL have times that we are challenged....when everything is NOT awesome.

Let's look at 2 types of people that we can be.  What you believe...the choices you DO have will help when experiencing challenging times.  In Matthew 7: 24-27 Jesus said:

"Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.  Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won't collapse because it is built on bedrock.  But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn't obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand.  When the rains and flood come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash."

Here are a couple of things to take note of:
  • Wise = Rock; Foolish = Sand
  • The "rain" and "floods" came to both types, so no matter what you think about your life, you are not exempt from storms.  The key is what your foundation is built on.
Question of the day: How do you react in the middle of the "storm(s)" in your life?  The Cheerleader and I have faced some seemingly small, "sprinkle" storms and some all out assault "torrents."  Sometimes we have reacted carefree and other times, we reacted full of care.  Let me tell you, the carefree approach is MUCH better.  We don't have our heads in the sand or denying the existence of the "storm," but what we do is look to the ONE who is our BEDROCK...our FOUNDATION, and we know we'll make it through, STILL STANDING.

Life's situations are not always awesome, but what is AWESOME is knowing that in any storm that you are facing, you are becoming and being stronger.  Remember this, as you are walking out your BEST YEAR YET, your past is not strong enough to shut down your future.

Sunday, February 19, 2017


Have you ever heard the saying, "you need to think outside of the box?"  Usually it is used to describe a creative thought process to come up with new, fresh ideas.  This could be with your business, in your training, etc.  Unlock a new potential or idea that will take you to new places.

I think we'll discuss this concept....but not today.  Today I want to ask you, "What is IN the box?"  "Inside the box?"  Yep.  Let me explain:  What is the guiding principle...that word or phrase that is your stability.  It could be a process...a core value...that which is your true identity.  I believe that if we are going to go "outside the box" in our creative process to have our BEST YEAR YET, we first need to understand what is in our box.  

I'm reading a GREAT book called HALFTIME by Bob Buford (great read and I highly recommend).  In it, Buford tells of a time he worked with a strategic planning consultant that asked him this simple and penetrating question.  The consultant told Buford, "If you can tell me what it is, I can tell you the strategic planning implications of that choice."  The "word," your "Northern Star" or compass, is how I read it.  What is that which shapes you and guides you through life? Sometimes we can't put a "name" to it...other times we know exactly what it is.  Is it your job; your faith; family; money; etc.  There is something inside of us all that we are using as a gauge to help form our thinking of how and why we do what we do.

What is it for you?  What is "in the box" of your life?  Today, I want us all to think of what is INSIDE the box before we start going outside the box for ideas for our BEST YEAR YET.

Drop me a line and let me know what is the word or phrase that is your "true North."

Saturday, February 18, 2017


"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the Gift."  Pre

Last week, we talked about what your "WHY" is.  What you are really good at.  That "IT" factor that moves you....your "GIFT."  The late, great Steve Prefontaine said it best in the quote above.  We all have be gifted in something (check out 2/9 blog post).  It's your "light"....that which shines the brightest IN you and that you let shine OUT of you.  

Jesus said in Matthew 5:15-16, "No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket.  Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it give light to everyone in the house.  In the same way, let your light...your good deeds...YOUR GIFT, shine out for all to see...."

In the classic movie, "BACK TO THE FUTURE," George McFly is a "punching bag" for his nemesis, Biff.  It appears it was that way all the way back in high school.  Marty asks him, "why do you let Biff push you around like that?"  The answer: FEAR.  George was afraid of Biff...afraid of what others thought of him...afraid or stepping out because, what if people didn't approve of him?  He had this "dream" to write a book, but never pursued it because of FEAR....the FEAR of what others would think.  Do you know that most successful people didn't succeed the first time they tried?

What if Albert Einstein, who didn't speak until he was four...who was told by a teacher he wouldn't amount to anything, what if he listened to what the "authorities" said about him?  If he would have, we wouldn't have experienced the knowledge of the most influential physicist of the 21st Centry.  What if the great Walt Disney would have listened when he was fired from his first newspaper job because he was "lacking imagination and no original ideas?"  Or arguably the greatest basketball player of all time, Michael Jordan, the winner of 6 NBA championships- what if he has listened to his high school coach and given up the game after he was cut from the team?

Now, you might not be an Einstein, Disney, Jordan or anyone else you recognize as successful, but you are YOU.  What do you have that other's need to hear, see, do, etc.?

As you continue to journey through your BEST YEAR YET, ask yourself, "what am I "hiding" that I don't want others to see because I'm afraid I might fail?"  It could be:
  • Running a marathon
  • Photography
  • Poetry
  • Writing 
  • Pod casting
  • Starting a home based business
  • Career change
  • Etc....
Whatever it is, don't let the opinion of others keep you from expressing your gift.  DON'T SACRIFICE THE GIFT!  YOU.CAN.DO.THIS!!

Friday, February 17, 2017


See that gal over my left shoulder?  That is my CHEERLEADER!  We've been married for 30 years, 7 months and 6 days, today.  We just had our 35 Valentine's Day together (counting our first when we started dating at 17).  

I had so many pics to choose from, but I like this one.  Here are a few reasons why:

  • It not 100% in focus
    • Like our lives, we haven't always been "in focus" when it comes to doing life.  There were many times I "dropped the ball"...maybe a few times she did too.  But through it all, we always get back into focus
  • I'm hunched over
    • Not the best of posture....but hold her up.  We went through more "stuff" in the last 5 years then we had in the previous 25...at least it seemed that way.  But one thing continues to remain, we hold each other up.  WE.ARE.TEAM.PETERSON.
    • I know that is the title of a popular show on t.v. right now, but the reality, in the pic, is that this is us.  
Maybe you don't have a cheerleader or your cheerleader is no longer with you...either way, make a decision today that you are going to MAKE today a wonderful day for yourself and whoever you come in contact with.

But today, on this day of my BEST YEAR YET...I'm going to go find my Cheerleader and let her know, "I LOVE US!"  

Thursday, February 16, 2017


I'm a runner.  I'm not the fastest or the slowest.  I'll, most likely, never "break the tape" at the finish line or even stand on the podium, unless it's a 3 person race....and I probably won't grace the cover of a running magazine.  But run I will.  START AND FINISH.
It all started with a challenge to run a charity 5k. I had never run 3 miles, at one time, in my life.  So before I accepted the challenge, I went out the next day and went for a run.  3.4 miles is what I covered, so sign up I did!  The next week I found out about a 10k, signed up for that too!  A few months later, with this "challenge bug" all over me, I made a decision to train over the winter and run my first half marathon.  That was 4 years ago....and I.WAS.HOOKED!!  
I really don't know why I got hooked, other than it made me feel good, even when it hurt.  I know, it doesn't make much sense.  Over the past 4 years, my running has evolved...changed, so to speak.  I still do it for the way it makes me feel, but it goes WAY beyond the physical benefits.

Running reminds me of this journey of life that we are all going through.  Remember the "Dates and a Dash" post from last week?  For me, the DASH is my "race"....the MARATHON of life that I "run."  When I run a marathon, as I'm getting ready to start, I always tell myself, "run YOUR race."  I'm not competing with the other runners, I didn't train for THEIR race.  I'm competing and running against the clock and looking to maximizing my time on the course.  So true when it comes to our lives.  Our "RACE" is the one that we need to run
"...And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us."  (Heb. 12:1)

So my "race"...the "race of life", is not just about me and how I feel, but it is WAY bigger than me. 

I truly want to maximize my DASH on a daily basis...not letting moments of opportunity go by me as I'm looking over "opportunities shoulder" to see if there is something more exciting for me on the other side of the "room." 

Embrace the day and celebrate each moment so dear.  You might not be a "physical" runner, but we all have a "race" set before us, called LIFE, to run.  

So, run YOUR race through your BEST YEAR YET!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Ok, here it is, the day after Valentine's Day.  Some are excited because all the candy and chocolate are at a discount at the store. 

But is there just a little bit of a let down?  Like the day after your birthday...or the day after Christmas...or really any other event or holiday that you have been planning for weeks to prepare for, then *POOF*, it's gone.  Has the love that we expressed yesterday, because the calendar said "February 14th," somehow gone away?

I want to propose to you (nice play on words there, don't you think?) that the way we express LOVE, during our BEST YEAR YET, is a love that is always ON!  "Always, Tim?"  YES....ALWAYS.

A good way to do this is to have your life...your LOVE WALK, be like "7-11"....ALWAYS OPEN! It isn't a one day a year thing only relegated to a day in mid-February...or even a few days during special holidays (Valentines; St. Patrick's; Easter; Mother's Day; Father's Day; your birthday; etc.). 

Make the "bouquet" of each day fresh.  Remember, this week, we talked about maximizing each minute...each moment so dear.  Each day, we have the opportunity to MAKE it how we want it.  There is so much promise that each new day brings us.  How we respond is OUR CHOICE.  

I like to tell people, on their birthdays to "MAKE today DAY 1 of your BEST YEAR YET!"  In reality, every day we wake up is DAY 1 of the rest of our life...but are we still looking back? Looking back to when times were better...or maybe it's looking back on all the past mistakes and it's hard to see ahead.  I want to say to you, whether in love or in life, your best days are not behind you. 

My encouragement to you today is to embrace this "DAY AFTER"....extend and express love and not look back...because you're not going that way!  The REST OF YOUR LIFE will be the BEST OF YOUR LIFE!

Hey, it's a new day.....DAY 1 of your BEST YEAR YET!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


The song asks, "What's love got to do with it?"

The Cheerleader and I have three adult sons.  When they were young boys they so wanted to please us (I hope it's still the same now...guys?).  If they knew we were displeased with them, or even if we didn't have a smile on our faces, many times they would ask, "are you happy Daddy?"  Now, there were times where we were displeased....but not with them, but their actions.  There was..is nothing they can do that will separate the love that their mother and I have for them.  

Do you know it's the same with God.  The Apostle Paul wrote in the book of Romans, "...indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God..." (v. 39)  "Tim, but you don't know what I have done?"  I don't, but God does and Romans 5 tells us that even when we were at our worst...when we were unlovely that "..God showed His love for us by sending (His son) Christ to die for us..."

God is not mad at you....He is MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOU!  "For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16) Does that sound like someone who is mad at you?  He GAVE His GREATEST possession TO you and FOR you....because He LOVES YOU!

Maybe, today, you don't have a good or positive picture of what a loving father looks like.  Maybe, today, you DO have a loving father that has been there for you.  My encouragement to you, this day that is used to express to the one(s) we love our devotion, look to the GIVER OF LIFE who has extended himself, IN LOVE to you.

I truly believe, to have your BEST YEAR YET, all that we do should come from an expression of LOVE for ourselves and for others.  

Monday, February 13, 2017


"Five hundred twenty-five thousand six-hundred minutes.  Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear. Five hundred twenty-five thousand six-hundred minutes.  How do you measure - measure a year?"  This is how the song, "Seasons of Love," begins.

Tonight, the Cheerleader reminded me that 525,600 minutes ago, we were enjoying a GREAT burger in Fort Smith, Arkansas...it was one of the "Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear."  It was the eve of my first of 4 marathons I had set out to do to have a BEST YEAR YET - 2016 Edition.  Sitting here a year later, I didn't know all the MOMENTS I would encounter.

"In daylights - in sunsets. In midnights - in cups of coffee.  In inches - in miles.  In laughter - in strife."

I had plenty of all of these.  Sometimes wondering if it was going to be okay...if I was going to be okay.  How about you?  Have you walked through some trying moments?  

I was reminded recently that there are NO THROW-AWAY DAYS.  How are we treating each day, each moment that we have?  Are we living it to the fullest to maximize our time with loved ones?  To make a lasting, positive impact on others?  Or do we just look beyond each second of every day hoping...waiting for the next BIG moment that will happen TO us and FOR us, when all the while we are letting countless moments of opportunity tick by us?

Earlier in the day I received a message from someone who told me that I had inspired them to get back in shape and run. They even went so far as to sign up for a marathon in the fall and said to me, "#BESTYEARYET."  You never know who is watching, listening and taking action.  Let your impact moment be one that is positive and productive...each second of every day.

I'll spend a future blog post or two recapping the journey...but for now.....
.....the answer to the question, "How do you measure - measure a year?"  How about LOVE?!

Sunday, February 12, 2017


Many years ago, I learned to drive a manual transmission car.  It was a learning experience for me...and I'm sure just an "experience" for those driving with me!  The LAST place I wanted to find myself stopped was going up a street with a steep incline...really ANY incline. There's that fine line of letting out the clutch as you give it the proper amount of acceleration...usually I would let out the clutch too fast and...you got it, INCLINE STALL!

I have this great treadmill for my running.  My preference is to run outside, but I don't like running in the dark or ice or snow, etc....so I have a treadmill for these times.  Recently, I went to go for an indoor run on the treadmill and the display read back to me, "Incline Stall." No movement....nothing.  Shut down and going nowhere (I'll be having a service appointment soon!).

Have you ever found yourself "stalled out" in life?  INCLINE STALL.  Yesterday, we talked about keeping our eyes fixed in front of us.  But what happens when you "hit the wall?" What happens when everything is NOT awesome?

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Romans 12:2, "Don't copy the behavior and customs of the world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.  Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." (New Living Translation)  How can we do this?  By continually looking at the Bible and see what He says about you.  This will help to re-shape how you see yourself.

During your BEST YEAR YET, you might find yourself feeling lost...stalled...not knowing which way to turn or go.  At times like these, look to Him and you'll have that proper amount of letting go of yourself and acceleration of your purpose, His will for your life, and you'll be just fine with the "uphills" in front of you.  

Saturday, February 11, 2017


A year ago, this weekend, the Cheerleader and I were in Fort Smith, AR where I was going to begin my "2016 BEST YEAR YET" of marathon running at the Fort Smith Marathon.  As you might have read previously, I had set a goal to run 4 full marathons in 2016, and this was the first of the four.

Training for this race hadn't been ideal due to snow and other weather related issues that we deal with in Nebraska from November to February (and beyond).  I did feel I had enough of a running "base" under me, just coming off of the 2015 New York City Marathon on November 1st.  My training for Fort Smith started almost immediately after we returned from New York.

The weather was forecasted to be about 40 degrees with possible rain.  The day of the race it was a bit colder than 40 and it was "misty" on and off for the whole race.  The Cheerleader was right there at the start clanging her monster cowbell and it was a great start.  Just like in life, it is so good to have others that are there to cheer you on and for you to do the same for them.  I saw her again around Mile 8 with a much needed kiss and some gatorade.  This race didn't have consistent hydration stations so this quick stop was a welcomed refreshment.  

In this "race of life" we need to make sure that we are "hydrating" and "nourishing" ourselves, Spirit-Soul-Body, so that we don't "hit the wall" as it is usually with runners in a marathon.  

"THE WALL".....it's out there and sometimes you can train like no other and fuel properly and STILL "hit the wall!"  This "wall" usually comes (everyone is different) anywhere from mile 16 to mile 21ish.  This day, I was feeling pretty good and didn't feel as if I would hit it.  

Usually when running a marathon, when I hit the 20 mile mark, I tell myself, "well, that was a good 20 mile warm up, now it's time to start this 10k race!"  This race was no exception!  You might think I'm "goofy" to say this, but I do it to keep myself mentally "in" for the next 6.2 miles!  Do you encourage yourself with words of truth, or is your "self-speak" fill with "you can't....you won't....why even try?"

Me at the 20 Mile Sign

I took the above "selfie" and sent it to Chris telling her where I was and that the race was going good and I would see her in a little over an hour, at the finish.  Well, as I approached Mile 21, there she was ringing that awesome cowbell!  What a GREAT surprise.  

MILE 21....5.2 miles from the finish....BUT, in this race, on this road you could see that for then next 2 miles I would be running uphill, not necessarily something you would choose to do after 21 miles of running.  Something special about Mile 21 though:  There was a water tower in the distance that you could see the top of.  When I stopped to hug and kiss the Cheerleader at Mile 21 and seeing the incline, a guy standing there said, "Just focus on the water tower...it's 2 miles away, but after you reach it, it's all downhill from there!"  Now, "downhill" at this point is not bad, but very good.

You might be "running" through your BEST YEAR YET right now and have come up to an "incline".....KEEP YOUR EYES FOCUSED FORWARD!  DON'T STOP....YOU.CAN.DO.IT!  In the Bible, in Matthew 7, verses 24-27, Jesus talks about two sets of people,one who have "built a house" or their lives with a foundation that is on solid ground and the other is one has built their life or life's foundation on sand.  The wise vs. the unwise.  You will see that the storms of life come to both, but it is those who have a solid foundation, by listening, trusting and following what Jesus said, they will "weather the storm!"

Just keep "running" this BEST YEAR YET, and you will get to the "opening" in YOUR race and it will be downhill (in a good way) from there. 

Friday, February 10, 2017


I have run 7 full marathons.  That is 26.2 miles each marathon....with hundreds of training miles in each training cycle.  My PR (personal record) is 4:25:43 (yep....down to the hundredths), which I ran in the Omaha Marathon in the fall of 2014 and my slowest is 6:05:46 which was at the Chicago Marathon October of 2016.  I'm not telling you this to shine a light on me or what I have done in running.  My slowest is BY FAR my most accomplished of them all.  "Most accomplished?" you might say.  YEP, MOST.ACCOMPLISHED!

The Omaha Marathon where I have run my fastest to date was marathon #2 for me.  And each one after that, I trained and tried to beat that time falling WAY short each time.  I was disciplined in my training, eating, fueling during the race, but still couldn't come close to the 4:25:43.  A year ago this weekend I ran in Ft. Smith, Arkansas (Marathon #4) and I ran a 5:08:12, but I was so pleased and here's why:  I realized that each time I go out to run a marathon, I do not know what the conditions, that day will be.  The weather; the layout of the course; how I'm feeling; etc.  All these things, mostly uncontrollable by me, play a HUGE part in the outcome of the marathon.  

As Steve Prefontaine said in the quote above, success is not in how far you got, but in how far you have come.  We can define SUCCESS so many ways, but in reality, it's is how YOU see the success. 

When you see other successful people, don't just copy them (where what they wear; drive what they drive; eat what they eat; etc), but instead STUDY them.  What did they do to become successful.  There is a quote, by Vince Lombardi, that says, "The man on top of the mountain didn't fall there."  Emulate the PROCESS, not the person.  Be AUTHENTICALLY YOU!  Success leaves clues, so find those clues and make your own success.

As we journey through our BEST YEAR YET, let's find those clues in others that will help us as we continue down our path!

By the way, the 6:05:46 I ran in Chicago....I DIDN'T train for this one like the others due to a serious health issue I had that pretty much put a stop to my training right after it started.  I had surgery on August 1st and although my longest training run leading up to Chicago was only a bit over 9 miles, I was determined to start and finish that race.  I could have tapped out and nobody would have though any less of me....except for me.  

Whatever....WHATEVER you have in front of you as an obstacle, you can overcome it....you just have to make a choice.  You've started....so let's make sure you finish!  YOU.CAN.DO.IT!  GO THE DISTANCE!