Sunday, February 19, 2017


Have you ever heard the saying, "you need to think outside of the box?"  Usually it is used to describe a creative thought process to come up with new, fresh ideas.  This could be with your business, in your training, etc.  Unlock a new potential or idea that will take you to new places.

I think we'll discuss this concept....but not today.  Today I want to ask you, "What is IN the box?"  "Inside the box?"  Yep.  Let me explain:  What is the guiding principle...that word or phrase that is your stability.  It could be a process...a core value...that which is your true identity.  I believe that if we are going to go "outside the box" in our creative process to have our BEST YEAR YET, we first need to understand what is in our box.  

I'm reading a GREAT book called HALFTIME by Bob Buford (great read and I highly recommend).  In it, Buford tells of a time he worked with a strategic planning consultant that asked him this simple and penetrating question.  The consultant told Buford, "If you can tell me what it is, I can tell you the strategic planning implications of that choice."  The "word," your "Northern Star" or compass, is how I read it.  What is that which shapes you and guides you through life? Sometimes we can't put a "name" to it...other times we know exactly what it is.  Is it your job; your faith; family; money; etc.  There is something inside of us all that we are using as a gauge to help form our thinking of how and why we do what we do.

What is it for you?  What is "in the box" of your life?  Today, I want us all to think of what is INSIDE the box before we start going outside the box for ideas for our BEST YEAR YET.

Drop me a line and let me know what is the word or phrase that is your "true North."

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