Thursday, February 16, 2017


I'm a runner.  I'm not the fastest or the slowest.  I'll, most likely, never "break the tape" at the finish line or even stand on the podium, unless it's a 3 person race....and I probably won't grace the cover of a running magazine.  But run I will.  START AND FINISH.
It all started with a challenge to run a charity 5k. I had never run 3 miles, at one time, in my life.  So before I accepted the challenge, I went out the next day and went for a run.  3.4 miles is what I covered, so sign up I did!  The next week I found out about a 10k, signed up for that too!  A few months later, with this "challenge bug" all over me, I made a decision to train over the winter and run my first half marathon.  That was 4 years ago....and I.WAS.HOOKED!!  
I really don't know why I got hooked, other than it made me feel good, even when it hurt.  I know, it doesn't make much sense.  Over the past 4 years, my running has evolved...changed, so to speak.  I still do it for the way it makes me feel, but it goes WAY beyond the physical benefits.

Running reminds me of this journey of life that we are all going through.  Remember the "Dates and a Dash" post from last week?  For me, the DASH is my "race"....the MARATHON of life that I "run."  When I run a marathon, as I'm getting ready to start, I always tell myself, "run YOUR race."  I'm not competing with the other runners, I didn't train for THEIR race.  I'm competing and running against the clock and looking to maximizing my time on the course.  So true when it comes to our lives.  Our "RACE" is the one that we need to run
"...And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us."  (Heb. 12:1)

So my "race"...the "race of life", is not just about me and how I feel, but it is WAY bigger than me. 

I truly want to maximize my DASH on a daily basis...not letting moments of opportunity go by me as I'm looking over "opportunities shoulder" to see if there is something more exciting for me on the other side of the "room." 

Embrace the day and celebrate each moment so dear.  You might not be a "physical" runner, but we all have a "race" set before us, called LIFE, to run.  

So, run YOUR race through your BEST YEAR YET!

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