Monday, February 6, 2017


I saw you.  You were walking in front of me the day before the race.  I saw you pass me during the race.  I saw you in the finish area. It's obvious that you do not see yourself as disabled.  YOU INSPIRE ME!

I saw you run by my house a year ago...struggling to put one foot in front of the other.  I saw you throughout the year as it seemed we ran similar paths.  Each time I saw you, you appeared to be getting better...stronger.  I just saw you yesterday...owning the street on your run like you were born to do this.  YOU INSPIRE ME!

I saw you.  You might have wondered why you were doing this?  Thinking, "are people looking at me because I'm big...slow...young...old?  YOU INSPIRE ME!

I saw you.  You started the race and I know you finished it, because later that day I saw the Finisher's Medal around your neck.  YOU INSPIRE ME!

I read about you.  The book talked about the best in the world and those who were were just like me...people with a dream.  I read about your struggles and celebrate the victories with you.  YOU INSPIRE ME!

When I am spending time on long miles and I'm struggling with the heat, or the pain in my legs or lungs...maybe it's my hydration or lack of it...I think of YOU and I press on to the finish.  YOU INSPIRE ME!


ps - How is your BEST YEAR YET journey coming?  Comment below or drop me a line and let me know.

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