Wednesday, February 8, 2017


About 6 years ago, my Cheerleader and I were in Hawaii celebrating our 25th Anniversary.  While there, we connected with a friend, who is from Hawaii, and he and his wife gave us a GREAT tour that goes beyond what the "normal" tourist gets.  

One such place was this old church, but before we entered the church, we walked around the cemetery that was on the same grounds.  There were grave stones dating WAY back, 150+ years or so.  The inscriptions on most talked about LOYALTY, KINDNESS, GIVING and other traits of CHARACTER.  Some lived long lives, others, not so long...but just those few words, on their head stone, described the IMPACT that was made.

All of us have a "start" date.  Those that have gone on also have an "end" date, like those that you can see in any cemetery.  Sandwiched in-between these 2 dates is a "DASH."

The "DASH" represents your life, the number of days and years.  But it is more than just an accumulation of days that you lived, but more importantly HOW you LIVED.  Remember, your BEST YEAR YET is made up of days, one at a time and how your LIVED out each day.  What type of IMPACT you made or will make.  Question for today: Are you maximizing your DASH?  I see, even in my own life, that I want the days to pass quickly so that I can get to another day.  For example, when planning for a trip.  You count the days down and usually look past each day looking for the day when the trip will start.  But what about all the days leading up to departure date?  Are you bypassing wonderful opportunities to fill those days with your BEST YEAR YET?  

Mark Twain once said, "There are two great days in a person's life:  The day they were born, and the day they discovered WHY!"  If you are reading this, you are half way there.  Maybe you have discovered your "WHY"...your purpose.  Seek what you were put on earth to do....and then pursue that with everything you have!  THAT is maximizing your DASH....making the most of your DASH.

Let's not just go through life to arrive at death's door safely.  Let's live our DASH by design and not default!  Doing this on a daily basis will help each of us to have our BEST YEAR YET!

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