Sunday, February 5, 2017


"when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also."  2 Timothy 1:5 (NKJV)

LEGACY!  In the summer of 1973, when I was 7 1/2 (gotta get in the 1/2), my family moved to Plano, Texas from Lincoln, Nebraska.  I'm sure it was a HUGE adjustment for us all to move away from lifelong friends to start our new adventure.  On New Year's Day, 1974, we had a "mini-reunion" of sorts with a BUNCH of Nebraska folks, as Nebraska was playing in the Cotton Bowl against Texas.  I remember driving to the Cotton Bowl Stadium on the fairgrounds of the Texas State Fair.  We sat with/near some very close friends and one of them, Mr. (Ed) Cantwell, gave me his red felt cowboy hat with a white "N" on it.  You know, the one like "Harry Husker" wore.

There I sat, with this cool Husker cowboy hat on!  I remember it like it was yesterday....but it was 43 years ago.  LEGACY.   

Mr. Cantwell has since gone on to his eternal reward.  Today, my Mom called to tell me that Mrs. Canwell passed on yesterday.  I have "spotty" memories of both of them...but they mostly include them giving of themselves for others.  LEGACY.

When my Mom told me about Mrs. Cantwell (as an adult, I still have not gotten use to calling my parents friends by their first names. #respect), the above verse in 2 Timothy is what first came to mind.  The Apostle Paul was writing a letter of encouragement to this young Pastor, of Paul's "pupils" so to speak.  In this portion, Paul is encouraging Timothy on his faith and that whatever he is going through, he can make it.  But if you read a bit closer, Paul is recognizing the LEGACY key that was left to Timothy by the demonstration of it from his Grandmother and Mother.

What are you doing today that will have a lasting impact on someone's life 43 years from now?  Are you demonstrating something that is worth replicating...for the positive?  

One of the BEST YEAR YET action keys I want to have is to make an impact, daily, to those that come in contact with me.  Some days it just flows out....others I have to MAKE a decision on how I'm going to act; to respond; etc.; to the things that come at me.

As you read and ponder this post, think about who is watching you and the impact you are having on them.  How about we go out and strive for a positive impact that will be talked about and possibly written about 43 years later!  LEGACY!

RIP Miss Pat!

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