Saturday, February 11, 2017


A year ago, this weekend, the Cheerleader and I were in Fort Smith, AR where I was going to begin my "2016 BEST YEAR YET" of marathon running at the Fort Smith Marathon.  As you might have read previously, I had set a goal to run 4 full marathons in 2016, and this was the first of the four.

Training for this race hadn't been ideal due to snow and other weather related issues that we deal with in Nebraska from November to February (and beyond).  I did feel I had enough of a running "base" under me, just coming off of the 2015 New York City Marathon on November 1st.  My training for Fort Smith started almost immediately after we returned from New York.

The weather was forecasted to be about 40 degrees with possible rain.  The day of the race it was a bit colder than 40 and it was "misty" on and off for the whole race.  The Cheerleader was right there at the start clanging her monster cowbell and it was a great start.  Just like in life, it is so good to have others that are there to cheer you on and for you to do the same for them.  I saw her again around Mile 8 with a much needed kiss and some gatorade.  This race didn't have consistent hydration stations so this quick stop was a welcomed refreshment.  

In this "race of life" we need to make sure that we are "hydrating" and "nourishing" ourselves, Spirit-Soul-Body, so that we don't "hit the wall" as it is usually with runners in a marathon.  

"THE WALL"'s out there and sometimes you can train like no other and fuel properly and STILL "hit the wall!"  This "wall" usually comes (everyone is different) anywhere from mile 16 to mile 21ish.  This day, I was feeling pretty good and didn't feel as if I would hit it.  

Usually when running a marathon, when I hit the 20 mile mark, I tell myself, "well, that was a good 20 mile warm up, now it's time to start this 10k race!"  This race was no exception!  You might think I'm "goofy" to say this, but I do it to keep myself mentally "in" for the next 6.2 miles!  Do you encourage yourself with words of truth, or is your "self-speak" fill with "you can' won't....why even try?"

Me at the 20 Mile Sign

I took the above "selfie" and sent it to Chris telling her where I was and that the race was going good and I would see her in a little over an hour, at the finish.  Well, as I approached Mile 21, there she was ringing that awesome cowbell!  What a GREAT surprise.  

MILE 21....5.2 miles from the finish....BUT, in this race, on this road you could see that for then next 2 miles I would be running uphill, not necessarily something you would choose to do after 21 miles of running.  Something special about Mile 21 though:  There was a water tower in the distance that you could see the top of.  When I stopped to hug and kiss the Cheerleader at Mile 21 and seeing the incline, a guy standing there said, "Just focus on the water's 2 miles away, but after you reach it, it's all downhill from there!"  Now, "downhill" at this point is not bad, but very good.

You might be "running" through your BEST YEAR YET right now and have come up to an "incline".....KEEP YOUR EYES FOCUSED FORWARD!  DON'T STOP....YOU.CAN.DO.IT!  In the Bible, in Matthew 7, verses 24-27, Jesus talks about two sets of people,one who have "built a house" or their lives with a foundation that is on solid ground and the other is one has built their life or life's foundation on sand.  The wise vs. the unwise.  You will see that the storms of life come to both, but it is those who have a solid foundation, by listening, trusting and following what Jesus said, they will "weather the storm!"

Just keep "running" this BEST YEAR YET, and you will get to the "opening" in YOUR race and it will be downhill (in a good way) from there. 

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