Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Earlier this year, the Cheerleader and I were looking at a website called, MyIntent Project.  It is a cool site that make bracelets and necklaces with what looks like a washer, hand stamped with an individual or personalized "word."  When I got on the site, the first thing that grabbed my attention was this question they asked:
What's my word?  What is MY word? I had to think.  If I was going to get something meaningful...something that I could use to explain the "WHAT" and "WHY" when others asked me about it, it had to have meaning to me.  So I asked myself again.....WHAT'S MY WORD?

I really like this dictionary meaning of the word "Word(s)":

a unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds or their written  representation, that functions as a principal carrier of meaning.

That last part, "...that functions as a principal carrier of meaning."  This part of the definition reminded me of a verse in the Bible:

"The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences."    Proverbs 18:21 (NLT)

The words we use are VERY powerful.  Words are "carriers."  They carry life or death; blessing or cursing; building up or tearing down; encouragement or disappointment.  Now, this is when we use words towards others, or towards our selves.  Notice the last part of the verse, "those who love to talk will reap the consequences."  Sometimes we can read this and only think of the negative, but there is a positive "reaping of the consequences" as well.

I heard a story once of a former Major League Baseball Player who, after he retired, was a motivational speaker and a minister. He was asked to come to a state prison to share his story with the inmates.  He told them that growing up, his father would come home from a long day at work, but would still have time to play catch with his son.  He'd tell him, "Just aim for the mit Jim.  You've got a strong arm Jim.  Someday you're going to be a Big Leaguer, Jim."  Even if Jim would make a bad throw, his dad was still encouraging him.  Sure enough, there came that day that Jim made the Major Leagues.  He went on to tell them that even though they were in prison, they could still make an impact on themselves and those around them.  After he was done, one of the inmates came up to him and said to Jim, "Sir, thank you for your story.  You know, you and I are not too different, because I turned out just like my dad said I would.  Each day he'd tell me that I was no good.  That I wouldn't amount to anything.  That I would end up in prison."  Words are carriers.  Use them wisely!

Words are powerful.  So let me explain the meaning behind the 3 words in the picture above; INTENTIONAL; THRIVIVOR; PURPOSE

This one is the Cheerleader's. When I asked her what it meant to her, this is what she said:
  • Being thoughtful...being purposeful...seizing each moment to connect or make an impact in my life, with the Lord and with others.
I LOVE her word because I get to see it in her all the time, but it's a reminder to her to always LIVE this word, wherever she is.

This one is mine.  Now, I knew that it was personally made, because I'm sure they don't have a bin full of "THRIVIVOR" washers waiting to ship!  This is what this word means to me:
  • When I went through the prostate cancer diagnosis last year and the subsequent treatment/surgery, I didn't want to just SURVIVE and be a cancer SURVIVOR (don't get me wrong, surviving is the #1 goal), I also wanted to THRIVE in my life!  I want my story to inspire others.  So I came up with MY WORD, "THRIVIVOR!"
I wear 2 bracelets.  My 2nd is PURPOSE.  This is why I chose this word:
  • PURPOSE means living my "WHY" daily.  What gets me up in the morning gives me the fuel to "GO" in my day.  For me PURPOSE is asking, "What do you want to do with the rest of your life?"  It's about realizing that TODAY is the first day of the rest of my life....the first day of the BEST of my life.  
The Cheerleader and I are going to take OUR word(s)...be INTENTIONAL as we allow our PURPOSE to cause us to continue to be a THRIVIVOR as we live out our BEST YEAR YET!

What about you?  WHAT'S YOUR WORD?

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