Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Today was the day!

The CHEERLEADER and I got a tree for our back yard.

It was a gift from my Father and Mother in Love.

Most of the day I was thinking about this tree and planting it.

FULL DISCLOSURE:  I'm not the best at yard working activities.  I can mow.  I can get out the weed whip and the occasional sprinkler, but I'm not real good at landscaping, mulch, planting, etc.

I have a friend, the CROW, who is REALLY good at all of this.  So over the weekend, knowing I was going to give the planting a "go" I asked CROW some questions:

  • How deep of a hole do I need to dig
  • How wide around
He even gave me advise on the mulch and such.

While I was thinking about the tree today, the title of the classic story, "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn" was going through my head.  

Not going into great depth of the story, my thought was, "am I growing when I am?"  "Will I grow in a place that isn't known for growth?"

Well, in order to grow, I have to be planted!


In the Bible, Psalms 1 starts out in verse 1, "Blessed is the man....."   From there, it tells of "WHY" this person is blessed.  In verse 3 it says, of this person, "The are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season.  Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do."

So, in order to experience the "Blessing"  or verse experience your BEST YEAR YET, we all have to be PLANTED!


If we were to back up to verse 2, we'd get a glimpse of what "PLANTED" means.  "But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night."  They spend time in the the Bible and get "rooted and grounded" in what it says.

Before I planted my tree tonight, it was in a disposable pot, waiting to go into the ground.  I could have left it in the pot, but it wouldn't have grown much, because the roots would not have been able to go deep into the ground, as they (the roots) were limited by the barrier of the plastic disposable pot it was in.

Are we like that?  Are we wanting to grow, but in reality, we are in a holding pattern or in a "disposable pot" just waiting to be "PLANTED" so that we can grow?

It's not about how young or old you are.  It's about how willing you are to get out of the comfortable and be PLANTED in new soil, so that you can grow!


If not, you can be!  And in doing so, you'll be on your way to your BEST YEAR YET!

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