Wednesday, December 27, 2017


"God can do anything, you know; far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!"  Ephesians 3:20 (MSG)

Earlier this year, while the CHEERLEADER and I were in Mexico, I read this great book, THE POWER OF NOT YET...Living a Life of Endless Possibilities by Donna Pisani.

The whole book is great, but one chapter really spoke to me.

In it, she talks about exposing the fears in your life.  She illustrated this in an earlier chapter, when relating this to her young daughter, who was afraid of the dark.  She told her daughter to "flip the light switch" on in her room to show the light exposes anything that is in the dark.

Much like our lives, we need to get into the LIGHT and it will expose anything that is in the dark.  

She encourages us, we too can "reach the light switch" in our lives.

FEAR, in the form of negative thoughts and words, has the power to lead us down the wrong path.

FEAR in your life is solely dependent on YOU for survival!

If you choose, rather, to not give in to that FEAR, to listen to what God says about you, it will take the label of your life from victim to victor!

We each have so much untapped potential that is looking to be released.  So much possibility that God has placed in us.

Pisani relates a story from a book she read about an individual who was a surgeon.

As the surgeon was growing up, an older person asked, "what is the hardest thing you can possibly do?"  "Why must I do what's hardest" they asked.  "Because, you are an instrument of God.  Don't leave the instrument sitting in its case.  PLAY!  (I like this next statement) Leave no part of your instrument unexplored.  Why settle for 'Three Blind Mice' when you can play 'Gloria?'

"Not Bach's 'Gloria'!  YOURS!  Your 'Gloria' lives within you.  The greatest sin is not finding it, ignoring what God made possible in you."


Ask yourself, "am I satisfied with the Three Blind Mice mentality, settling for less than what God designed me for?"

Until we realize what has been entrusted to us, we will always live feeling like we are entitled to more, while the little rat song continues to run our lives.

As we continue in our BEST YEAR YET, let's "flip the light switch" and go plan our own "GLORIA!"

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