Thursday, August 3, 2017



  1. a wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants.


Another definitions say, "a valueless plant growing wild, especially one that grows on cultivated ground to the exclusion or injury of the desired crop."

WOW.  How many of us have "WEEDS" growing in our lives?  Not just natural weeds in our yards and flower beds, but those "things" that have been left untreated and now they appear to be unmanageable to us, personally?

So, what is a "WEED?"  As the definition above said, it is a valueless plant...that grows on cultivated ground to the EXCLUSION or INJURY of the desired crop.  So a "WEED" in our lives is anything that is working to harm us or take us out.

I was talking to a person recently that I had made HUGE changes in their life.  I would say that they were in the process of "WEEDING" their life and getting rid of all the "valueless" things that were working to TAKE OVER.

BUT....there were still a couple of "WEEDS" that they hadn't got rid of yet.  

Here are a couple of ways to ATTACK WEEDS that are in your life:
  • Smother them
    • Don't let them see daylight.  Natural weeds need light to grow.  If you cover them up, they can't "breathe."
    • With those "WEEDS" in your life...don't give them a chance to see daylight!
    • Whether you are in private or in public, don't let those "WEEDS" come out to play.
  • Dig then up
    • This might take more work, but it's worth it.  Whatever is the "root" of the weed, work to get it out.  There can be so many "root issues" as to why the WEED is there in the first place.  Look to identify that root issue, deal with it and DIG UP THE WEED!
The WEEDS in our lives have one goal:  Choke out the good "SEED."  

Is it easy to attack the weeds?  NO.

But if you continuously cultivate your "soil"...your life, you will have fewer and fewer WEEDS in your BEST YEAR YET life!

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