Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Recently, I have been having conversations with some people about life.

Jobs; family; the "what ifs" of life.

I have found that many that are like me, in their 50s, are asking those questions a lot.

We've explored this topic on an earlier BEST YEAR YET post, but today, I want to broaden the reach.

Earlier this week, we explored the idea of "WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU DID SOMETHING FOR THE FIRST TIME."  Not so much on the "chance or risk" side, but just stepping out of your comfort zone and expanding your boundaries.

Today, though, let's talk about RISK and REGRET.

I have 3 sons in their 20s.  2 out of college and 1 getting ready to start his Senior Year in college.

My advise to them.....and to all who read this is to STEP OUT and take RISKS.  Now, that doesn't mean to quit your job and sit on the couch.  It COULD mean to find and explore your passion and go after it!  

It could mean to go work for the peace corp or even just save up some money and go backpack across Europe.


There's a GREAT book I read about a year ago called, LOVE DOES, by Bob Goff.  This book is filled with TAKING A CHANCE.  Filled with stories of extending ourselves "out there" for others.

That book inspired me to think BIGGER.  

I have some siblings that inspire me as well.  I have a brother who has lived in Sweden for almost 20 years.  I have a sister, and her husband, who recently moved to France.  I have another sister who, decided to do a pilgrimage and walk the Camino de Santiago (the way of St. James), in Europe.

What CHANCE or CHANCES can you take?  Well, that's up to you.

My encouragement to you.....don't wait.  Start planning today.  As we've said recently, you don't want to say, "I wish I would have." But instead say, "I'm glad I did."


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