Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Today's blog is the 214th consecutive post I have done in 2017.  

I started writing the BEST YEAR YET blog on January 28th and have written something every day since.

If you have been following this journey, you know that I write a lot about dreams, goals, and visions you have for your life.  I believe that a couple things that I do really well is to encourage others and communicate in a way that is easily understood.

Today, I had a few friends who's kids went to an American Idol audition here in Omaha. They didn't make it through....BUT they went for it.  I.LOVE.IT!  I love when people go for something that looks almost impossible.  Remember, you don't want to every say, "I wish I would have."  Instead, it is great to say, "I'm glad I did."


Years ago I heard someone say, "It doesn't cost any more to DREAM BIG!"

Some will do a great exercise and put together a DREAM board.  They don't just "visualize" in their head what they want, but they will put it down on paper...or they will get pictures of what it is they are DREAMING about, put it on a board or something to keep that vision in front of them.

The CHEERLEADER and I did that about 10 years ago.  We started to think about living in a new house.  We found a house that we liked....one that was a stretch for us to believe for. We took a picture of that house, went to a "quick print" store and made a copy of it and put it on our refrigerator.  I figured that we would be at the fridge multiple times and each time we'd see what we were DREAMING ABOUT.  

If you're going to DREAM, you might as well DREAM the BIGGEST DREAM you can.  

I believe that the key lies in the next step:  after you DREAM the BIGGEST DREAM you can, you need to go after it with everything you have...but you need a plan!

What is your plan?

DREAMS are great...but without an action plan, they are, well.....just DREAMS.

With an action plan that you can implement on, DREAMS become REALITIES!

So, what can you DREAM BIG about in this BEST YEAR YET journey that you are on?

Whatever it is, let me encourage you:  YOU.CAN.DO.THIS!

Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't....FIND A WAY and make it happen!

Now.....time to START and put that BIG DREAM into REALITY!

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