Wednesday, August 23, 2017


  1. feeling a need to drink something.

  2.       having or showing a strong desire for something.

So, when my boys were really young, we'd play a little game.  Ok, it was just me playing. They would comment, "Dad, I'm THIRSTY."   Any my reply would be, "Hi THIRSTY!"  "No, my name is not THIRSTY....."

We'd go round and round until I would relent and give them something to drink.

Today, I was out in the yard getting some much needed yard work done.  Boy was I THIRSTY.

I'm more aware of the need to stay hydrated, due to running the miles that I do.

When doing any run beyond an hour, I always make sure I have water or some type of electrolyte replenishing fluid.  In endurance races, "they" say to make sure you are constantly drinking...because if you wait until you "feel" THIRSTY, it's usually too late.

Proverbs 25:25 [NLT] says, "Good news from far away is like cold water to the THIRSTY."

That is the encouragement others give to you.  Think about a time when someone spoke a word of encouragement to you.  What did that do for you?  What "boost" did that give to you?

I also had one of those "cold water to the THIRSTY" experiences today.  A friend I haven't talked to in a while called and gave me a "cup of cold water" right over the phone.  I didn't know I was THIRSTY until after the call ended, but boy did that GOOD NEWS satisfy me.

How about you?  Do you need a word of good news, that is like cold water to the THIRSTY?

Maybe you don't need the "cold water" but could you be a "dispenser" of cold water/good news (encouragement) to someone else?

In our BEST YEAR YET, let don't just always be THIRSTY, but let us also look for ways to be the "dispenser of cold water" for someone else!

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