Sunday, December 31, 2017
Last day of 2017!
Can you believe it?
At this time of the year, I love watching the YEAR IN REVIEW shows, whether it is sports, news, entertainment...whatever.
So I thought I would give you my YEAR IN REVIEW and what made it to the BEST YEAR YET blog and some that didn't.
Before I recap 2017, today is the 338th day in a row of the BEST YEAR YET blog. As I have written before, it was on January 28, 2017 that the CHEERLEADER encouraged me to start this blog.
At the time, I committed to myself that I would write and post a blog every day for the next 365 days. ONE year of posts.
This was also a GREAT commitment for the CHEERLEADER. She gave up time that we would normally be spending together, so that I could go to my home office and write. I actually couldn't have done this without her. She's been my biggest CHEERLEADER, proof reader, and sometimes subject encourager!
Although 2017 is coming to a close, I'm going to keep my commitment that I made to myself and finish off the 365 days.
After that 365th post on January 27th, we'll see what is next.
But for now, let's recap 2017.....
We said goodbye to 2016 and HELLO to 2017 as the CHEERLEADER and I enjoyed a quiet night at home watching the ball drop from Times Square. This has become a great tradition for just the two of us.
January 1st, started training for the 2017 Lincoln Marathon.
The CHEERLEADER had her birthday. I think she said she's "29 plus shipping and handling!"
January 28, 2017, the BEST YEAR YET blog has it's first entry!
The CHEERLEADER and I took a much needed vacation to Puerto Vallarta. We called this our "Kicking Cancer's Butt Tour." 2016 was tough with a cancer diagnosis and a couple of trips/stays at the hospital. We had a great time relaxing, dreaming, reading and just spending time together.
Yep, kept the BEST YEAR YET blog going even while out of the country!
Our son, Caleb, turned 26! How did that happen?
Had another "all clear" report from the doctor in regards to being Cancer Free. I heard Marlo Thomas say one time, "The most exciting words on the planet, CANCER FREE!" I would agree.
This was 8 months post surgery to have the cancer removed. HAPPY DAY!
With all that went on in 2016 with my health, I also ran 4 marathons. I told the CHEERLEADER, "if I ever say I'm going to run 4 marathons in a year, shake me!" I set out to run 2 marathons in 2017, and May saw the first of the two with the running of the Lincoln Marathon in Lincoln, Nebraska. This was my 8th marathon.
The day before the Lincoln Marathon, I had a chance to hear, meet and take a picture with Dave McGillivray, the race director of the Boston Marathon. I told myself that "one day I will run Boston!"
Celebrated Mother's Day in Colorado with my Mom!
Enjoyed another Father's Day with my kids and even took them all, one at a time, to a College World Series baseball game.
June also saw a transition in my work as I resigned my position as an Executive Business Coach to go work for a local non-profit here in Omaha.
Also, our youngest son, Luke, turned 22! How did that happen?
The CHEERLEADER and I celebrated our 31st wedding anniversary!
Every year...every month....every day, just keeps getting better and better with her.
We've been through some "stuff" in those 31 years that has made our love and resolve stronger.
It's easy to throw in the towel when things get tough, but we are TEAM PETERSON!
THE Eclipse! What a cool thing to witness. People from all over the country picked up special "glasses" to wear, found what time would be best and went and positioned themselves for this historic event.
We were blessed to be right in the path. Some had to travel great distances to see this. It was truly amazing!
But the MOST AMAZING news of August....ONE YEAR CANCER FREE!
"It's the most wonderful time of the year..." NOPE, not the Holidays, but the start of the Football Season!
We are HUGE Nebraska Cornhusker fans, and even though the season didn't pan out too well for us, hopefully moving forward with a new coach and coaching staff, the Huskers will get back to competing for Conference Titles.
We took a trip to Eugene, Oregon to see the Huskers play the Ducks and also stay with a good friend, who is a HUGE Oregon Duck fan. The game didn't turn out in Nebraska's favor, but it was fun still the same.
Also, our oldest son, Josh, turned 29! How did that happen?
I ran marathon number 2 for the year (and number 9 overall) at the Nebraska Marathon.
The CHEERLEADER and I took another trip to Mexico, this time with my oldest sister and her husband. We rented a casita that had an ocean view in a community call San Pancho.
We had a great time while we were there.
I also found out that I will represent St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, as a St. Jude Hero for the upcoming (April of 2018) Boston Marathon! I'm so excited to run this iconic marathon. Truly a "Live List" event for me!
I turned 52. How did THAT happen?
Christmas decorations.
Purchasing gifts.
Dealing with life's interruptions.
Being grateful.
Christmas with the family.
Here we are....December 31st. Man did the time fly by this year.
Transitions, planning, keeping warm, doesn't stop just because we come to the end of a time period.
So much to be grateful for. Even in the midst of hurt and heartache, the decision to have a BEST YEAR YET is that....your decision....your choice.
So as we say good-bye to 2017, let us all make a decision that 2018 will be our BEST YEAR YET!
Saturday, December 30, 2017
At dinner tonight, the CHEERLEADER and I started discussing places we would like to go in 2018.
We have been to many of the major cities in the United States, but we were talking about the "out of the way" places in each state.
It was a fun conversation that included mountains, beaches, marathons, sporting events, seeing friends, seeing family, etc.
The thing we most like to do is find those off the beaten path spots that tourist don't normally frequent.
Let's see if I can remember our choices:
Alabama - go to a game in Tuscaloosa (this was her choice, not mine!)
Alaska - anywhere (we actually said that at the same time!)
Arizona - we have been to AZ many times together, but mostly in the Phoenix area. We landed on Flagstaff as our destination.
Arkansas - really anywhere where we can take in the culture away from any city
California - like AZ, we have been to many spots here, mostly in big cities. We would like to go to Napa and see the coast/country side away from the city.
Colorado - spend some time is Estes Park!
Connecticut - Bristoll
Delaware - this was the first state that she said, "seafood" and it seemed to be a theme throughout the Northeast
Florida - Naples to see some good friends
Georgia - Augusta for the Masters
Hawaii - We have been to Maui (and a day trip to Oahu) but all the islands! Kauai is the next one we want to go to
Idaho - Coeur d'Alene
Illinois - Explore more of the Chicago land area
Indiana - Indianapolis
Iowa - sorry Iowa....we didn't have any place that was really calling our name. If you are reading this and are from Iowa, tell us a place to go and explore!
Kansas - Lawrence to see a game at Allen Field House
Kentucky - Louisville to see the Derby the first Saturday in May!
Louisiana - New Orleans...the food, duh!
Maine - Millinocket...there's a marathon every year in early December where the only thing they ask is that you support the local economy from housing to eating and everything in between!
Maryland - Baltimore (this was another "SEAFOOD" she shouted out!)
Massachusetts - The cape; also Boston, which we will do in April of 2018 so I can run a little race the 3rd Monday in April
Michigan - the UP and Mackinac Island
Minnesota - Leach Lake (Walker, MN area) to see family
Mississippi - go see a football game at Mississippi State and ring the cowbell
Missouri - The Ozarks!
Montana - Some out of the way place in the mountains
Nebraska - Western Nebraska (WAY beyond Lincoln Josh!) and tubing the Niobrara River
Nevada - Lake Mead and also see the "real" Vegas with friends who live there
New Hampshire - drive through the state in the fall
New Jersey - We don't know many places that aren't famous either for being across the river from NYC or because of TV shows. So people from NJ, give us some ideas!
New Mexico - Tucumcari (because it sounds cool) or Santa Fe
New York - Upstate to see Cooperstown and the surrounding area
North Carolina - Raleigh to see friends
North Dakota - Fargo? Need suggestions here as well
Ohio - Canton
Oklahoma - Norman when the Husker go down there to play in a few years
Oregon - Bend and other Coastal towns
Pennsylvania - see family
Rhode Island - Providence (yep, you guessed it "SEAFOOD!")
South Carolina - Charleston, Hilton Head and other historical spots
South Dakota - Mt. Rushmore as well as Crazy Horse
Tennessee - back to Nashville. Where else should we go?
Texas - Austin to see family and enjoy some good music
Utah - Park City and Salt Lake City
Vermont - Burlington
Virginia - Places near D.C. and other historical spots
Washington - Spokane (I've been there multiple times, but she hasn't)
West Virginia - The CHEERLEADER broke out into John Denver and said, "Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River..."
Wisconsin - Madison for a game
Wyoming - somewhere in the mountains
As you can see, we will need some help with some states.
Other states we know exactly where we want to go.
What about you?
Don't limit yourself to the boundaries of your city or your state.
DREAM BIG and get out.
ADVENTURE AWAITS you....if you dare to dream!
Friday, December 29, 2017
"Life is no straight and easy corridor along
which we travel free and unhampered,
but a maze of passages,
through which we must seek our way,
lost and confused, now and again
checked in a blind alley.
But always, if we have faith,
a door will open for us,
not perhaps one that we ourselves
would ever have thought of,
but one that will ultimately
prove good for us."
A. J. Cronin (1896-1981)
This year, as we exchanged Christmas gifts with the CHEERLEADERs family, we asked her parents to not buy any gifts, but to gift each of their kids and grand kids something that they already had.
I was so excited to get a classic book by Zig Ziglar, SEE YOU AT THE TOP. I have been wanting to read this, and now it's mine!
One of my sons, received from his grandpa the book, WHO MOVED MY CHEESE, by Spencer Johnson.
My son had never heard of this best seller. So I told him a little bit about it and that it was a GREAT read (some think it's a bit cheesey....sorry, I couldn't resist).
As I related the essence of the story to my son, it got my mind spinning to this story and its application in my life.
I asked myself that question.
In the book (not going to give it all away) there are 4 main characters, 2 human, 2 mice.
The 2 humans are Hem and Haw. The 2 mice, Sniff and Scurry.
The CHEESE represents our livelihood, but also our goals, ambitions, happiness and success.
They all live in a maze, which is representative or one's environment.
The CHEESE is always there, until one day it isn't.
The question is, now that the CHEESE is gone, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?
So many times, in life, we are faced with this question.
Do we sit and take the safe route?
Don't move, because the CHEESE is always there, so it will be back, right?
Do we blame others because our CHEESE is gone? Do we blame ourselves?
Do we venture out of our comfort zone to find the "CHEESE?"
As you are planning out the next round of dreams, goals, resolutions, in your life,
- First, identify what your CHEESE is. What is it that when you accomplish it you will throw your fist in the air and say, "YES!"?
- After you identify your CHEESE, make a plan to go after it. Don't let anything or anyone stop you from getting it. Don't even let time or the calendar tell you that you failed. You will only fail if YOU stop.
So much possibility in front of you.
Keep your eyes fixed forward as you go after your CHEESE in 2018!
If you are looking for me over the next couple of days, you'll most likely find me behind the cover of this great book!
Thursday, December 28, 2017
This pic made me chuckle.
In today's BEST YEAR YET entry, the title is not referring to the end of the world (although, that might be near too!).
Nope, I'm talking about the end of 2017.
Just a few more days remain.
How are you finishing out the year?
Are you "mailing it in?"
Do you have a "FINISH STRONG" mentality?
Or is it a combo of them both?
Regardless of how you are taking out 2017, how are you entering 2018?
More than just "resolutions," what is your plan?
Do you have a plan?
I know for some, 2017 was not a nice year. Many hurts, heartaches and disappointments.
But for others, there was GREAT impact, success and advancement.
For both, I'll ask again, for 2018, WHAT.IS.YOUR.PLAN?
I have a friend who he and his wife go away for a couple of days at the end of the year...just the two of plan out different aspects of the the upcoming year. How they want to parent. What needs do each of their children need to grow, not only physically, but spiritually and emotionally as well? What will they do for their own health and nutrition? What will their growth plan look like?
For some of you, you are just wanting the next few days to be over so you can start anew.
Don't just sleep through these next days.
Be purposeful.
Remember, there are no throw a-way days.
Make an impact on a life or lives....even your own.
THE END IS NEAR....just like today's post!
In today's BEST YEAR YET entry, the title is not referring to the end of the world (although, that might be near too!).
Nope, I'm talking about the end of 2017.
Just a few more days remain.
How are you finishing out the year?
Are you "mailing it in?"
Do you have a "FINISH STRONG" mentality?
Or is it a combo of them both?
Regardless of how you are taking out 2017, how are you entering 2018?
More than just "resolutions," what is your plan?
Do you have a plan?
I know for some, 2017 was not a nice year. Many hurts, heartaches and disappointments.
But for others, there was GREAT impact, success and advancement.
For both, I'll ask again, for 2018, WHAT.IS.YOUR.PLAN?
I have a friend who he and his wife go away for a couple of days at the end of the year...just the two of plan out different aspects of the the upcoming year. How they want to parent. What needs do each of their children need to grow, not only physically, but spiritually and emotionally as well? What will they do for their own health and nutrition? What will their growth plan look like?
For some of you, you are just wanting the next few days to be over so you can start anew.
Don't just sleep through these next days.
Be purposeful.
Remember, there are no throw a-way days.
Make an impact on a life or lives....even your own.
THE END IS NEAR....just like today's post!
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
"God can do anything, you know; far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!" Ephesians 3:20 (MSG)
Earlier this year, while the CHEERLEADER and I were in Mexico, I read this great book, THE POWER OF NOT YET...Living a Life of Endless Possibilities by Donna Pisani.
The whole book is great, but one chapter really spoke to me.
In it, she talks about exposing the fears in your life. She illustrated this in an earlier chapter, when relating this to her young daughter, who was afraid of the dark. She told her daughter to "flip the light switch" on in her room to show the light exposes anything that is in the dark.
Much like our lives, we need to get into the LIGHT and it will expose anything that is in the dark.
She encourages us, we too can "reach the light switch" in our lives.
FEAR, in the form of negative thoughts and words, has the power to lead us down the wrong path.
FEAR in your life is solely dependent on YOU for survival!
If you choose, rather, to not give in to that FEAR, to listen to what God says about you, it will take the label of your life from victim to victor!
We each have so much untapped potential that is looking to be released. So much possibility that God has placed in us.
Pisani relates a story from a book she read about an individual who was a surgeon.
As the surgeon was growing up, an older person asked, "what is the hardest thing you can possibly do?" "Why must I do what's hardest" they asked. "Because, you are an instrument of God. Don't leave the instrument sitting in its case. PLAY! (I like this next statement) Leave no part of your instrument unexplored. Why settle for 'Three Blind Mice' when you can play 'Gloria?'
"Not Bach's 'Gloria'! YOURS! Your 'Gloria' lives within you. The greatest sin is not finding it, ignoring what God made possible in you."
Ask yourself, "am I satisfied with the Three Blind Mice mentality, settling for less than what God designed me for?"
Until we realize what has been entrusted to us, we will always live feeling like we are entitled to more, while the little rat song continues to run our lives.
As we continue in our BEST YEAR YET, let's "flip the light switch" and go plan our own "GLORIA!"
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
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"For those who can't." (Top Left: 2014 Nashville Country Music Marathon; Bottom Left: 2015 New York City Marathon: Top Right: 2016 Chicago Marathon; Bottom Right: 2016 Memphis Marathon) |
I'm currently training to run the 122nd Boston Marathon, once again as a St. Jude Hero.
I have been pulling many of my miles on my treadmill.
If you are new to the BEST YEAR YET blog, I'm not a fan of running long miles on my treadmill, but I've got a bit wiser in the past few years when it comes to running in extreme cold weather: I don't do it!
Recently, while running my long miles, I have been occupying my time by watching BOSTON - THE DOCUMENTARY which chronicles the iconic BOSTON MARATHON from its humble beginning in 1897 with 15 runners to current day.
There are many inspiring stories, but one that has really grabbed my attention as I have watched this a few times, is that of Stylianos Kyriakides from Greece.
Kyriakides ran his first Boston in 1938, after being invited by John A. Kelley (at the time the defending Champion of the Boston Marathon and would go on to win 1 more and be the runner up 7 times), following the 1936 Berlin Olympics.
Due to WWll, Kyriakides wouldn't make it to Boston until 1946. At the time, the people of Greece were left destitute by the war faced starvation.
As he left for Boston in 1946, Kyriakides told his family and friends that he would win the Boston Marathon or die trying. This echoed the Greek adage, "with this or on this," which in Greek legend was what would be said to those going to war to return victorious from battle either carrying their shield or being carried upon it.
It was said that the runners of the 1946 Boston Marathon were running to win, but Kyriakides was running to save his country.
He knew a win would provide a platform to raise much needed food, medical supplies and other resources so that his country could survive.
As he crossed the finish line, it has been said that he said, "For Greece!"
Now, I'm no Stylianos Kyrakides, and the fate of a whole country doesn't rest on my performance in Boston on April 16, 2018.
BUT.....there are children who are fighting for their lives right now at St. Jude.
The mission of St. Jude is "Finding Cures. Saving Children" and they have been doing that since 1962. Founder Danny Thomas didn't want those who needed the treatment to be kept away due to cost, so from the time St. Jude opened their doors, no family has paid for the treatment of their child.
So I make people aware and give all of us an opportunity to give to this GREAT cause.
As we come to the end of 2017, would you consider donating to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital through my efforts as a St. Jude Hero for the 2018 Boston Marathon?
It takes over $2 million dollars a day to operate St. Jude.
Any amount would be greatly appreciated. To donate, go to:
Thank you for your consideration and let's all do what we can to MAKE 2018 the BEST YEAR YET for ourselves and others!
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"For Greece!" Stylianos Kyriakides crossing the Finish Line to win the 1946 Boston Marathon |
Monday, December 25, 2017
- the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way.
There are a few TRADITIONS at Casa de Peterson this time of year.
Some are passed down.
Some are with this generation.
All of them are ours.
Like many, we have a main floor Christmas tree. But as you see in today's picture, we have 4 others in our house.
- Main floor (as's in the center above)
- The CHEERLEADER and my bedroom (top left)
- 3 trees in our basement
- Husker Tree (bottom left)
- Cowboys Tree (top right)
- Vikings Tree (bottom right)
On Christmas Eve night, everyone gets to choose what they will have for dinner. This tradition started Christmas Eve of 2000. At the time, the boys were 12, 9, and 5. Meals back then ranged from Chicken nuggets, french fries, hot dogs, Popeyes Chicken to now where it is Steak and Crab Legs.
Also, on Christmas Eve, usually the CHEERLEADER spends most of the afternoon baking up a storm of cookies (peanut butter and molasses) as well dipped pretzels, dip for chips and she begins to prep for Christmas morning's meal.
After we have our Christmas Eve dinner, we sit down to a Christmas movie or two. I usually tap out after 1, but this year, with my afternoon nap and a couple cups of late afternoon coffee, I made it through both movies!
We usually let the boys open up one gift Christmas Eve night (our choosing, not theirs).
Christmas morning, we make them stay up stairs as the CHEERLEADER and I make coffee, she starts the morning breakfast, and we get the stocking filled with cheer!
Something that started in my family as I was growing up, has become a staple: The Leave Out gift!
- The Leave Out Gift is an unwrapped present that we usually place where each of the boys will be sitting
We actually tried, one year, just a few years ago, to not have a leave out gift. This didn't go over real well. Our thinking was that they were all older now and wasn't that just a kid thing?
Turns out it wasn't just a "kid" thing, so we scrambled that year and had a leave out gift!
After the exchanging of gifts, it's breakfast time, then clean up.
From there, the boys usually scatter to partake in other Christmas's for the rest of the day.
But the most important TRADITION that we have revolves around what the season is all about...Jesus and His coming. He is the greatest gift that one could receive.
If you have never "opened" His gift of life to you, I would encourage you to do so today.
"For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him."
John 3:16-17 [NLT]
"For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:13 [NLT]
Sunday, December 24, 2017
"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Everywhere you go....."
Today is Christmas Eve, 2017.
So I woke up this morning to about 3 inches of snow that fell overnight.
As I was clearing our driveway and side walks, the classic song from 1951, "It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas" was rolling around in my head.
Here's the deal.....I DON'T LIKE SNOW!
I wasn't dreaming of a white Christmas.
I wasn't looking to build Frosty the Snowman.
BUT.....I live in Nebraska and it snows this time of year.
So, deal with it, I will.
It got me thinking how selfish I can be.
I don't like snow...but others really love it.
Our son told us about a good friend of his who posted a picture of of his son and how excited he was to be out in the snow.
So many things I think are a burden or a curse, others see as a blessing.
It's similar, I think, in my life. I have so many things that I't live without, that others look on it and it doesn't capture their heart.
As we continue on over the next couple of days, remember that CHRISTMAS is not about the snow that I don't like. It's not about the presents under the tree...which I have and also will give away. BUT, it's about the GREATEST gift that was ever given to mankind, Jesus Christ.
So let us all realize that "Peace on Earth and good will to man" is not just some "other side of the world" thing, but it's good in our piece of the Earth...right where we live.
Share that message, EVERYWHERE YOU GO!
Saturday, December 23, 2017
I have this mouse pad in the pic above.
The CHEERLEADER gave it to me for Christmas one year.
To me, it's a reminder to get out and physically run, but also to have a say in how your day will play out.
I read one time that the late Jim Rohn once said, "Either you RUN THE DAY or the day runs you."
Here are a couple of quick tips to help you RUN THE DAY:
- Plan out your day the day before
- I realize that we don't have a crystal ball and we cannot see what all tomorrow will bring, but we can plan ahead on some things that we know we need to get accomplished.
- Get up early and get a head start
- I like exercising in the morning before most aren't up
- It's a great way to get my day started
- I usually lay out the clothes I will wear for my run or my cross training time the night before....NO EXCUSES
- Eat a good, healthy breakfast
- After you wake up early and put in the time to do something physical, you don't want to eat unhealthy
- Whatever is on your list, go after it....HARD!
- Earlier this year, in a BEST YEAR YET blog post, I mentioned about a tool I use called the "6 Most"
- Write out, the day before, the 6 Most important things you need to get accomplished the next day
- Put the in order of priority and go after them one at at time
As you RUN THE DAY, leave room for down time, spontaneity, and the such.
Don't be so rigid that you alienate those closest to you.
Begin to incorporate these tips right now before we enter the new year and the NEW YOU!
Friday, December 22, 2017
And with the Christmas wish is missed
The point I could convey
If only I could find the words to say to let You know how much You've touched my life
Because here is where You're finding me, in the exact same place as New Year's eve
And from a lack of my persistency
We're less than half as close as I want to be
And the first time
That You opened Your eyes did You realize that You would be my Savior
And the first breath that left Your lips
Did You know that it would change this world forever
And so this Christmas I'll compare the things I felt in prior years
To what this midnight made so clear
That You have come to meet me here
To look back and think that
This baby would one save me
In the hope that what You did
That you were born so I might live
To look back and think that
This baby would one day save me
And I, I celebrate the day
That You were born to die
So I could one day pray for You to save my life
"I Celebrate the Day" by Matt Thiessen
Earlier, the CHEERLEADER and I were driving home after ringing the Salvation Army bell at the Red Kettle.
She asked, "What is your favorite Christmas song?" many to choose from:
- Silent Night
- O, Holy Night
- Joy to the World......just to name a few
I told her that a contemporary Christmas song that really spoke to me was I CELEBRATE THE DAY by Reliant K (watch the YouTube video HERE).
Without the birth of Jesus, we cannot get to the death of Jesus.
So as we celebrate with family, with gifts, food, and fun over the next few days, take time to truly think about THE meaning for this season and ALL that He has done so that He can have relationship with you that goes beyond this ONE MONTH A YEAR event.
MERRY CHRISTMAS as you CELEBRATE THE DAY the He was born to die.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
I was born on November 9, 1965.
One month later, to the day, on December 9, 1965, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" aired for the first time.
What a classic.
I don't watch it every year, but when I notice it is on, I watch it.
Tonight was one of those nights.
You want to know what's funny? We own a blu-ray of the timeless I could watch it any time!
The "dance scene" when they are getting ready to rehearse the play makes me laugh every time. If you watch it, take a look at the boy in the back doing the "running man." WAY ahead of his time!
But my ultimate favorite scene is when Charlie Brown, after going to get the little Christmas tree that looks more like the little tree branch, comes back to more ridicule. He is so taken back by all the commercialism of the Holiday (thus picking a tree that nobody would even consider because it wasn't the biggest or brightest) that he cries out, "IS THERE ANYONE WHO KNOWS WHAT CHRISTMAS IS ALL ABOUT?"
His best friend (next to his dog Snoopy), Linus, says, "Sure Charlie Brown..I can tell you what Christmas is all about." Linus proceeds to the center of the stage and says, "Lights please."
"And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
Luke 2:8-14
And grabbing his blanket and walking off stage, Linus says to Charlie Brown, "That's what Christmas is all about Charlie Brown."
If you are having a rough time, this time of year....if you are ready to put 2017 to bed...if you are having difficulty declaring this as your BEST YEAR YET, watch the clip here.
I told the CHEERLEADER as we were watching that this is my FAVORITE scene in television history.
There is so much much HOPE in this minute speech done by an animated character because he's quoting the WORD OF GOD!
As you go through the next few days, searching for that last minute gift; going to the store for those ingredients to make that special Christmas dish, only to find that the shelves have been cleaned out (quick note: if that happens to you, don't take out your frustration on the guy or gal ringing up your groceries...not their fault you didn't shop earlier in the week)...if you are tempted to be frustrated, remember the words Linus spoke and say to yourself,
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
Because THAT's what CHRISTMAS is all about!
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
- (of an emotion, feeling, or attitude) likely to spread to and affect others.
- \(of an emotion, feeling, or attitude) likely to spread to and affect others.
The CHEERLEADER and I had to make a stop to the Mall tonight.
If you want to do some people watching, the Mall is a great place to go, especially this time of year.
It is really interesting to me what one gets to witness.
So I did an "unscientific research project" tonight. No control group, just me witnessing human beings being human.
Some were hustling around as if they were JUST starting their Christmas shopping.
Some looked tired.
Some looked angry (remember, this is just me and my opinion).
One group consisted of a couple of female adults, each pushing a stroller, with 3 or so early elementary age kids, at leas two of which were boys. Now, I didn't see where one young boy, we'll call him "Subject 1", acquired a beanie, but he went right to the railing (we were on the top level of the Mall), and he chucked the beanie and it fell to the very bottom level. One of the adult females, we'll call her "MOM", turned and with clinched jaw said firmly, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" To which "Subject 1" turned to "Subject 2" (other young boy), gave out a subtle laugh and they both smiled like the "cat who ate the canary."
Now, I tell this story to illustrate my research:
2 people, in the same proximity, one full of "joy" and the other, angry. And both of their emotions, feelings and/or attitude, spread to those around them. I'm guessing the younger subject's name, just might not make the "Nice List" this year.
Germs or viruses are not the only things that are CONTAGIOUS:
- Laughter is CONTAGIOUS
- Smiles are CONTAGIOUS
- Attitudes (good or bad) are CONTAGIOUS
- Happiness is CONTAGIOUS
- Inspiration is CONTAGIOUS
- Optimism is CONTAGIOUS
ALL of these are CONTAGIOUS.....and we need to be a carrier of them!
One last thing as I concluded my "unscientific research project," as we were leaving a story, the CHEERLEADER said to the nice young gal behind the counter, "MERRY CHRISTMAS." The nice young gal said, "Wow...I like that. No one says "MERRY CHRISTMAS" anymore."
That nice young gal needs to come out with the CHEERLEADER and me....because we don't know any other besides, "MERRY CHRISTMAS!"
BE CONTAGIOUS (in a good way) through your BEST YEAR YET!
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