Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Last year, on May 3rd, I had a biopsy procedure done to determine or rule out the possibility of cancer in my prostate.

Let's back up a bit to late February 2016.  If you know me (and I trust for some, you are getting to know me through this BEST YEAR YET blog), you know that I am a HUGE proponent of annual physicals.  I used to not be, but about 16 years ago, I had a MOMENT where I realized that I needed to be aware of my current health.  I have a Cheerleader and 3 sons to think of....IT'S NOT JUST ABOUT ME!

So, after my annual physical in 2016, my personal care physician, who I have seen for about 18 years at that time, told me there were some irregularities in my PSA and that he wanted me to see a urologist.  PSA....."public service announcement?"  That was the only PSA that I knew.  

So I "googled" it and found out that a PSA is a PROSTATE-SPECIFIC ANTIGEN, when tested, shows the protein that is produced by the prostate gland.  13% of men, over age 55 will have a PSA that is greater to or equal to a 4 ng/ml (nanograms of PSA per milliliter).  The PSA test is a test that ALL guys should have done, during their annual physicals.  The lab will not have to do anything extra to you to check your PSA....BUT if you are under 50-55, it's not standard, so you'll have to ask your doctor to have it tested when they draw your blood for other tests.

Well, I was only 50 and I should have a 87% chance of my PSA not being over 4 ng/ml...right?

So I went to see the urologist and after talking it over with him, we determined that the best plan of action was to have the prostate biopsy on May 3rd.  

We had set up the date of May 11th to go back to the doctor and talk about the results.

It is really interesting what goes through one's mind when you are going to the doctor to get results of something that could be life changing.  How do you process it?  If given the chance,  your mind will make up all sorts of scenarios that usually don't end up the best.

A slightly different situation, but same principle.....when the Cheerleader and I had been married for about 3 years or so, we were living outside of Harlan, Iowa in a farm house, out in the country, that we rented.  This is pre-cell phone days and the Cheerleader was out for the evening with friends.  Well, when she didn't return by the time she said she would be each minute passed, my mind was talking to me.  After about an hour after she was supposed to be home, I had her funeral done and her buried, in my mind, when she pulled up.

So here it is, one year ago today, May 10th, the night before I'm going to get my results.  I went for a run to clear my head and when I got back and cooled down, I went to get cleaned up.  As I was getting into the shower, I sensed down in my heart (I didn't hear a voice, but it was as clear as if I did) these words, "don't be moved tomorrow by what you it good or bad."

I have a strong faith...I believe.  I have seen God move in miraculous ways in my life and in other members of my family.  My belief system is very well established, so I'm sorry/not sorry if you believe different than that.  We can still be friends, ok?

So to "hear" or sense this, it wasn't a shock to me because I believe and trust in the safety of the Word of God.  I STAND FIRM on what I believe.

So that night, I shared this with the Cheerleader and we did our best to STAND FIRM on what we believed.

What about you?  What is your "belief system" that you have?  Are you always worried?  Do you make a "mountain out of a mole hill" like I did that night the Cheerleader was out?  I do know this....worrying will never do anything positive for you.  Rest in HIM and STAND FIRM. If you don't know how, hit me up and I can show you some things that I know first hand that will help you.

As for the results......well, that's for tomorrow.

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