Saturday, May 13, 2017


"I have been diagnosed with prostrate cancer."

This is what I had to tell my Cheerleader and my sons following my appointment with the urologist.  These 4 people, who are the most important people in my life, it was so difficult to tell them, but also something that was so important to tell each of them.

I recently asked each of them about the day and what their initial reaction was.  I want to share these as I believe it will help others to see what real life looks like.

The Cheerleader:

"May 11, 2016
Midway Airport - I'm through 'security' and standing in the center of the concourse....

CANCER - the word stopped me dead in my tracks.  My thoughts?

What?  NO!!
THAT can't be true.
This CAN'T be happening to us.  We have a love like no other.
A marriage to be envied - we can't have cancer!
I couldn't bear the thought of losing you.
I wanted to see you - to hold & be held by you.
How would the boys react?

The thoughts that came to me were about rehearsing what you sensed in your heart the night before that you are not to be moved.

Either God's word is true and we believe it - or it's not.  BUT I knew it WAS true.

I felt I had to be strong - not fall apart." can imagine what I felt reading this.  I have such a GREAT support system.  We talk about that we are TEAM PETESON, so when she said, "WE can't have cancer..." it was truly WE.

The main thing that grabbed my heart was that she felt the need to be strong.  I'm sure most of that was due to me asking her to be that.  Honestly...I was being selfish asking her to be strong and not fully taking in her emotions and feelings.  

I will say, she was so strong during my time in the hospital and after. 


With my 3 sons....the feelings were mixed but hopeful:

"Scared....I didn't want to go through my life without you being there t help me...and be my dad.  It was one of the scariest moments in my life..." 

"Fear...scared because cancer is a bad sickness that takes too many people away and I didn't want to loose my dad while I was still young." 

"You wanted to have a call and talk to all us boys and that you had news to share.  I felt afraid about what was to come...but after the unfortunate news, I felt calm and at ease.  Partly because I knew everything was going to be alright and you would make it through, but more because of your positivity during the call was infectious.  You accepted what happened and looked it head on and said, "I got this."  Which in the end we all knew you would and did do."

WOW....again, the strength of my family, through the fear and unknown we all faced, was so powerful.  I know that through the next few months, we all had times and opportunities to be afraid of the unknown that was in front of me.  

It was GREAT to hear how all banded together to help and support each other.

THAT is what a BEST YEAR YET is all about.  Supporting each other.  When some are weak, others are strong.

Look for ways to be there for those of your TRIBE.  Be it in GOOD time and not so good times.

For us...its TEAM PETERSON! 

Maybe you don't think you have anyone....but you do.  The Cheerleader and I are here for you, if you don't have anyone else.  YOU.CAN.DO.IT.  And when you don't have the strength we are here for you.

Now, go out and have your BEST YEAR YET!

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