Tuesday, May 2, 2017



We are 5 days out from my next marathon, the LINCOLN MARATHON and HALF-MARATHON, in Lincoln, Nebraska.

After I got up this morning, I sat down and began to make a CHECKLIST of all the things I need to make sure I don't forget...since this is an overnight trip.

I mentally "dress" myself with my race gear as I write those items on my list.  Even though I'm keeping my eye on the weather, you never know what it will actually be like, so I plan for it all....even what I will need AFTER the race to change in to.

I like checklists.  Truth be told, I.LOVE.CHECKLISTS!  

For me, there is something about the process of planning things out and having them down on my list.  I don't want to leave anything to chance...chance that I will forget something.  If the Cheerleader has me heading to the store for something and the list gets bigger than 3 items, the CHECKLIST appears and I write it down. 

I'll, most likely, carry my "RACE CHECKLIST" with me the rest of the week, just in case something comes to mind, so that I can write it down and not forget it.

I've mentioned it here in one of the BEST YEAR YET posts, I daily write out the 6 Most Important things I need to do each day.  This is a GREAT business productivity tool that was originally introduced by a consultant named Ivy Lee to then steel magnet, Charles Schwab and his company executives at Bethlehem Steel in 1918 (to get further understanding of the Ivy Lee Method, go here).

I use this for myself and talk about it with the clients that I coach.  I have seen many business owners struggle with managing their time productively.  There are so many things that are pulling for their time...for your time...that a proven system in place and implemented on will help all be very productive with their day.  You find out, quickly, what is truly important in your day to day activities.

Some call it a "bucket list."  I like to call it a "LIVE-LIST" because I want to keep LIVING and experiencing GREAT things in life.  What do you want to accomplish?  Make a CHECKLIST and develop a plan of action to go after it.

So, whether you have a CHECKLIST FOR:
  • Race prep
  • Going to the store
  • Daily business productivity
  • Goal planning
  • LIFE
Don't believe those who would argue that having lists like these will hinder creativity.  They might say that the spontaneity of life will be out the door.  REALLY?

For example; I don't want to get to Berlin to run the marathon and forget something as important as my shoes.  "Oh, you wouldn't do that, Tim."  You're correct....because I have a CHECKLIST to make sure I don't!

So as you are going through your life...whether you are needing a CHECKLIST for a race, going to the store, keeping focused on your daily productivity priorities, putting together your LIVE LIST or whatever you are doing.....believe me, your BEST YEAR YET will be even better if you don't forget it!


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