Monday, July 17, 2017





Tonight, the CHEERLEADER and I went to a local bistro to have a nice meal and use up a gift card that we had been given.  We really like this place.  It sits in an area of our community that has been around for years, but has had a resurgence of shops, restaurants and updated housing the last few years.

This restaurant usually has GOOD SERVICE.  Tonight, we had GREAT SERVICE.

The person who waited on us was friendly, knowledgable, engaging, and was very attentive to our water glasses not getting too depleted.

Have you ever been to a place that has good food, but the service is BAD?  It almost makes the good food not so good.

There is a HUGE difference between BAD SERVICE and GOOD or GREAT SERVICE.

How are we in life with how we offer SERVICE to others?  

Even if you are not in the "service industry," how do you treat and serve others?

I was talking to a friend recently about a family that he knows.  I have an "observers" view point of this family, meaning I don't know them personally, but I know who they are and have seen how they handle themselves in public.

This family is from a culture that understands service to others.  A number of years ago, I was with them in a gathering with other people.  It was in a public setting, yet as people were eating more of a "to-go" type meal, almost everyone in this family took it upon themselves to pick up all the trash, even though it wasn't their responsibility.


If it's your job, you would think that you would do the BEST you our server tonight. BUT.....if you aren't getting paid, how do you go about your service to others?

In John chapter 13, in the Bible, Jesus demonstrated what it means to be a SERVANT LEADER.  

Jesus was THE focal point of the night, but after dinner, He took off His robe and put a towel around His waist.....the clothing of the lowest of SERVERS and began to do THE lowest job....He began to wash the feet of His disciples...His friends.  He demonstrated how, no matter what "station" in life we are at, we should look to SERVE others.

I want to challenge you to look for ways to SERVE others this week.  This goes right along with our post on July 14th and doing something for someone who can't repay you.

Look for creative ways to serve others.  That could be your spouse; someone at work; your neighbor; even a complete stranger.  Get creative and look to give GREAT SERVICE in your BEST YEAR YET!

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