Monday, July 31, 2017
Recently, I was asked, multiple times, about my running and if I have been doing it long.
Each time, I have to go back and tell the story.
I am fairly new to running. I did a charity 5k (3.1 miles) in the fall of 2012, followed by a 10k (6.2 miles) a week later. I then went on and trained over the Winter of 2012/2013 and ran my first Half Marathon in February 2013....followed by another Half in the Fall of 2013. It was at the time of the Half Marathon in the Fall of 2013 that I decided to challenge myself for a full marathon, which I ran in April of 2014. Since then, I have ran a total of 8 full marathons, and I am currently training for my 9th. I will be running the NEBRASKA MARATHON on October 15, 2017, here in Omaha.
But let's go back to the pic on the left above. Actually, I'll go back a year from then to May of 2008. I had a knee injury that resulted in surgery to remove 75% of meniscus in my right knee. My doctor told me that I would/should never run again, since it was basically "bone-on-bone" in my right knee. So for the next year (and actually before the injury) I was virtually "activity-less."
Back to the picture above. May 2009. This was the picture that did it for me. It was THE MOMENT that I decided something needed to be done. As you can see, I was overweight. I am all of 5' 8" and at that time weighed in at 215. Pretty good if you are a world class athlete....but I wasn't.
I went on a quest to lose weight and recapture my health. My father died in his 50s....his father (who I never knew) died in his 50s....mostly due to things they could control (eating choices; lifestyle; etc). So, in 2009, at 43 years of age, I decided that I wasn't going to die in my 50s by something I could control.
In less than a year, I dropped 50 lbs due to a new lifestyle of eating healthier and exercising.
Now, back to 2012. When I was challenged to run that charity 5k, I had never run over 3 miles...maybe never ran over 2 miles in my life. I was in good shape, so I was pretty confident I could do it.
Today, I run because it helps to keep me healthy. I also like the challenge of the marathon and doing what I can to better myself each time I'm out.
I have written, here in this BEST YEAR YET blog, about my health challenges last year (we'll talk more about that tomorrow) and I'm convinced my running has helped me to recoup faster.
I want to encourage you to get up...out...and active. That could mean walking, riding a bike (stationary or outside), going to a fitness class....SOMETHING! Do something that yourself 3-6-9 months from now will look back and thank you for.
Find something that will help you RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! (or walk; bike; etc)
It's been a long road...whether it was from the start in 2012, or in the recovery of the past year...I know that now, I AM RUNNING FOR MY LIFE!
Sunday, July 30, 2017
2 WORDS's 2 WORDS in English.
And many more......
No matter what language you speak this, there is power in that word or words, when spoken from a heart of true gratitude.
The CHEERLEADER and I were watching a new program earlier. One of the reports highlighted a High School Basketball Coach in Chicago...who's more than just a High School Basketball Coach. Coach ~ Mentor ~ Teacher ~ Father Figure ~ Encourager ~ Disciplinarian ~ Friend.
He is making a difference in his community in an area that is known for gun violence. And he is so grateful for the "THANK YOU, COACH" and "WE LOVE YOU, COACH" from the players, students and parents.
Have you TRULY said THANK YOU to someone today?
I want to encourage you to do that. As you are reading this, once you are done, find someone that you can say THANK YOU to. DO IT right now!
You might be with them and you can do it in person. If you are not with them in about giving them a call? If you call and get a voice mail, leave a message, and then text and/or email them.
Simple....yet POWERFUL!
Saturday, July 29, 2017
So, here we are. Almost the next day. ARE YOU LISTENING FOR THE GIFT?
So many times we look at people and look beyond their gift.
What do they have?
Many will share with you what they have to offer. BUT.....are you listening?
I was talking to someone tonight that shared with me about listening.
He told me about others and how they just needed a place to talk about all they had to offer.
The question comes back to, are you listening?
We, my self included, can get too distracted on the day to day, that we neglect what others have that can be a benefit to the greater good.
So, are you listening to what others have to offer?
If not, take some time and stop to attention to what they are saying to you.
Their gift is strong....listen for it.....act upon it!
Friday, July 28, 2017
"Don't wish it were easier. Wish that you were BETTER!"
Jim Rohn
What is BETTER?
of superior quality or excellence
How do you go through life?
Looking for the easy way out?
Do you like a challenge?
I love the quote by the late Jim Rohn....DON'T just go for EASY. Step up for BETTER.
Throughout my life I have been faced this type of decision. The other day I referenced a Bible verse that talked about HOLDING ON as if you were attached (see NEVER GIVE UP from 7/25). The reference, from Hebrews chapter 10 is talking about what we believe and how we are going to LIVE IT OUT.
LIVING IT OUT isn't always easy. There will be times that you will come up against "it" and you will be challenged to what you who you are.
I think about how marathon training is similar to LIFE. If you don't train and prepare for the "race," you can go after it and you might even succeed, but if you have DISCIPLINE, DRIVE, DETERMINATION, A PLAN, and even leave room for the UNEXPECTED, you are more likely to "finish your race" with JOY.
Living BETTER doesn't mean you see yourself above others. It means you are challenging yourself to not just take the path of least resistance all the time...but you might just go ahead and go after the "road less traveled" in your life.
Challenge yourself to do something outside of your comfort zone. Something that isn't "EASY" for you:
- It could be physical
- It could be emotional
- It could be mental
- It could be that you have to stretch yourself relationally
Whatever it is, send me a note and let me know what you did.
THESE are the things that make up your BEST YEAR YET.
Thursday, July 27, 2017
[par-uh-dahym, -dim] /ˈpær əˌdaɪm, -dɪm/
an example serving as a model; pattern.
"How we view and define ourselves is perhaps the most essential paradigm we have as human beings. It determines all of our actions and reactions. The bottom line is this - we act in ways that support our true image of who we are." David Clark, "OUT THERE, A story of Ultra Recovery"
How do you see yourself?
What is the model....the pattern....the PARADIGM?
The definition your give yourself, as the quote above states, will be the basis for your actions.
If you have seen the classic movie, "BACK TO THE FUTURE," you remember George McFly, prior to Marty going back in time, is unsure of himself; not wanting to take any risk; being bullied; and so on.
Why? Because that is how he saw himself.
Now, Marty goes back, influences George and George steps up and knocks out the bully, Biff Tannen. Now, when Marty heads back to 1985, things are all different with George.
Why? Because that is how he saw himself.
There was a SHIFT in his view and definition of himself.
There is a great story, in the Bible, of an "AVERAGE JOE"....actually, in his own eyes, he was below average. His name was Gideon. Gideon was in one of the 12 Tribes of Israel...but as he describes it, they were the weakest among the Tribes and not only that, but Gideon said he was least among his father's house.
Gideon saw himself as the LEAST AMONG THE WEAKEST.
But God had another view point. In Judges 6, verse 12, the LORD turned to Gideon and said, "The LORD is with you, you MIGHTY MAN OF VALOR!"
After (I'm guessing) he looked around to see if the LORD was talking to someone else and realizing that there was no one there besides himself...Gideon, who was well versed in "self-doubt talk" responded (and I'm paraphrasing here), "How CAN I do this, I'm the least among the weakest tribe. You got the wrong guy."
So the LORD demonstrated that what Gideon was to do, he didn't have to go in his own ability, but that he just needed to be be a willing participant in God's plan.
As you go through your BEST YEAR YET, you just might have to THINK (about yourself) OUTSIDE OF THE BOX! Have a PARADIGM SHIFT and go out and be the GAME CHANGER you were created to be!
NO self-doubt.
NO low self-esteem.
SEE yourself the way your Creator sees you because, "...the LORD is with you, you MIGHTY MAN/WOMAN OF VALOR!"
What is the model....the pattern....the PARADIGM?
The definition your give yourself, as the quote above states, will be the basis for your actions.
If you have seen the classic movie, "BACK TO THE FUTURE," you remember George McFly, prior to Marty going back in time, is unsure of himself; not wanting to take any risk; being bullied; and so on.
Why? Because that is how he saw himself.
Now, Marty goes back, influences George and George steps up and knocks out the bully, Biff Tannen. Now, when Marty heads back to 1985, things are all different with George.
Why? Because that is how he saw himself.
There was a SHIFT in his view and definition of himself.
There is a great story, in the Bible, of an "AVERAGE JOE"....actually, in his own eyes, he was below average. His name was Gideon. Gideon was in one of the 12 Tribes of Israel...but as he describes it, they were the weakest among the Tribes and not only that, but Gideon said he was least among his father's house.
Gideon saw himself as the LEAST AMONG THE WEAKEST.
But God had another view point. In Judges 6, verse 12, the LORD turned to Gideon and said, "The LORD is with you, you MIGHTY MAN OF VALOR!"
After (I'm guessing) he looked around to see if the LORD was talking to someone else and realizing that there was no one there besides himself...Gideon, who was well versed in "self-doubt talk" responded (and I'm paraphrasing here), "How CAN I do this, I'm the least among the weakest tribe. You got the wrong guy."
So the LORD demonstrated that what Gideon was to do, he didn't have to go in his own ability, but that he just needed to be be a willing participant in God's plan.
As you go through your BEST YEAR YET, you just might have to THINK (about yourself) OUTSIDE OF THE BOX! Have a PARADIGM SHIFT and go out and be the GAME CHANGER you were created to be!
NO self-doubt.
NO low self-esteem.
SEE yourself the way your Creator sees you because, "...the LORD is with you, you MIGHTY MAN/WOMAN OF VALOR!"
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Dear Timothy,
There are been some things that have come up over the last year and even more recently that have me wanting to write this letter to you.
I know you are young and if you were to see me now, at your age, you would think that I'm old and out of touch. Let me assure you, the things that I want to communicate to you, will pay off BIG time for you as you continue on through your life's journey.
Timbo, you are at a pivotal time in your life. And although I can't turn back the clock to help you avoid some mistakes, pitfalls, choices and such (as I realize that each and everyone of the mistakes, pitfalls, choices and such, are what make up who you will become), I want to bestow some wisdom that my 51 years have brought me.
FIRST, don't sweat the small things. Now, I know that it's tough to distinguish what is small verses what is BIG. Emotionally, it all looks BIG. Use this as your measure: If it has anything to do with ANYTHING other than your family, it's small.
Next, pay more attention in school. I know there will be subjects you either don't necessarily like or you don't understand as well, even in those situations, you can learn. And while on the subject of learning, READ more! Not just things about sports or....well sports, but broaden your thinking on subjects and people you don't know about. You are going to hear this (and will say it over and over again) but READERS ARE LEADERS.
Right now, a BIG part of your thought process revolves solely around YOU. What's in it for YOU? How do YOU look to others (by the way, the hair, don't spend much time on me on this one)? When you are facing decisions, BIG or small, think about the outcome that this choice will have on those around you. Your classmates, friends, family and so on.
GO.TO.COLLEGE! There isn't anything else to say. FIND A WAY AND DO IT! Not just for the diploma (that would be nice) but for the life experience that you will miss.
TAKE RISK. Go ahead and skateboard down Ave. F on a circa 1976 board. RUSH BRIDGE...yep, do that again and again. Don't let your size, or whatever, limit you from going after your dreams. I know it can be risky, but JUMP!
In about 25 years, you are going to have an opportunity to talk to someone close to you and you will tell them to "leave it all on the field" so that they will not have ANY regrets when they are older. Yep, you'll most likely have some regrets...but I guarantee you, you'll learn from them and be able to share with others about overcoming obstacles!
Take care of yourself, physically, mentally and spiritually.
As you get older, you and others will have a tendency to be "CHASING THE SUN." Relax. Life is not about ALL that you can business or relationships. Be intentional but also know that you have others that are looking to you...not to just provide for their physical needs but also their relational needs....which is far more important and richer.
Be kind to everyone. You don't know what they are going through at any given time. Those you know right now, there will be a day when life is cut short for them.
Get to know others intently. Ask about their story and listen to what they have to say. There is so much you can learn from them, because LIFE isn't JUST about you. Get to know them and be a all times!
Tim, so much more I can say but I'm going to leave it for now.
Oh, that girl who moved from Holdrege to Kearney, treat her kindly. She's going to be by your side for a LONG good times and not so good times. She will be taking care of you; holding you when things don't go so good; holding you when things go great. She'll be your ALL AROUND CHEERLEADER....even when you blow it, she'll be there to pick you up and let you know that she believes in you.
Live your life to the full....NO REGRETS!
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
"Therefore, do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward." Hebrews 10:35 [NKJV]
Many years ago, I was looking at the Bible verse above, from Hebrews chapter 10.
The writer of Hebrews, earlier in this chapter, said to "...hold fast the confession of our hope (an ernest and confident expectation) without wavering, for He who promised is faithful" v.23
As I looked into these verses, I found out that the use of the words "cast away" was a nautical term that meant TO LET GO OF THE RUDDER. So it could have said, "do not LET GO OF THE RUDDER IN YOUR LIFE...YOUR FAITH AND CONFIDENCE IN HE WHO IS FAITHFUL TO HIS PROMISES, which has great reward."
Also, in the text where it says to "...hold fast," that meant to HOLD AS IF YOU ARE ATTACHED.
After looking at it many times, I had this picture in my mind about a sail boat on a lake. I remember while growing up, that I had a friend who's family got a sail boat while we were in high school. He told a story about he and his older sister, going out and sailing on a lake. One thing that he did, and he told her he was going to do it, was to show her what it looked like to get blown over and what to do to avoid it.
That "picture" was in my head as I looked deeper into this verse. I thought about being in a sail boat, out on a lake as a BIG wind comes up. Such strong wind that it is physically tough to hold on. Every muscle in your body is strained...tight...doing everything you can to not capsize. You hurt...physically are's difficult...trying to not let go.
In this situation, how many know that it would be much easier to let go, instead of holding on? You just want relief.
Think about working out...lifting when you are going through it, it's hurts...but the relief you feel when you are done.
But on a lake, in a sail boat, if you let go, it could mean harm, injury, and possibly worse.
This encouragement to us has to do with how we deal with the "storms of life" that come on us. We are just out "sailing through life" when all of a sudden, the wind shifts and a "storm" arises. The instruction is to NOT LET GO TO WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN!
What you are going through....I'm not saying it's easy....remember, the "wind" is blowing and it's much easier to "let go of the rudder" then it would be to "hold on, as if you are attached."
As you hold on, remember the HE who promised is faithful.
Monday, July 24, 2017
I loved Charlie Brown while growing up. I have fond memories around all the holidays and watching the Charlie Brown Specials on TV.
The Peanuts characters, created by Charles Schultz, used the saying, GOOD GRIEF a lot! It was associated with Charlie Brown and his buddies and has become a recognizable saying that is, to this day, still points to the Peanuts gang.
About 24 years ago, I went through a loss and a Pastor gave me a little book by Granger E. Westberg called, GOOD GRIEF. In it, Westberg goes through the 10 stages of grief that is typical in a loss.
I was holding it all together....until I wasn't!
It's NOT weak to grieve.
1 Thessalonians 4:13b [NLT] says, " you will not grieve like people who have no hope."
Notice the Bible verse didn't say to NOT grieve, it said that your grieving shouldn't be like people who have not hope.
I wrote yesterday about a fellow Kearney High School Class of 1984 classmate who recently died. There are many who are grieving. Many looking for answers. And I want to share some things that I have been through and have continued to go through after a loss.
A "LOSS" doesn't just have to be death (although death is a part of loss), but it can be any type of loss or separation.
- Divorce
- Moving away from life long friends
- Moving away from family
- Death (family; friend; pet)
- Sickness and/or disease
- Loss of a job or business
After attending the funeral, back in 1993, I was "back to normalcy" in my life, but I didn't feel anything like NORMAL.
Although I didn't want to, I started reading the GOOD GRIEF book and realized, I WASN'T CRAZY for the emotions and feelings I was going through.
Last year, I went through a health issue: Prostate Cancer. Next week, August 1st, will be the 1 year Anniversary of my surgery to remove the cancer from my body.
I, again, went though (and at times, still going through) the grieving process. Some might ask, "WHY? Why would you grieve something that has shown to be a GOOD thing to you and your physical life, since you are cancer free?" Tough to explain from my point of view, but let me try:
- It's the knowing that things are different in your body.
- Things are different by how others react to you.
- The idea of "will life ever be normal again?"
- You have to brace for the "NEW NORMAL" in your life.
So, if you are going through some type of loss I mentioned above, or some other type of loss, you don't have to go through it alone. Find others that can help you through your grieving process.
Also, maybe this topic doesn't pertain to you. That's cool. Be a support for those who are grieving.
The late Robin Williams once said, "I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone."
You know....sometimes the path to our BEST YEAR YET is to make sure someone else has their BEST YEAR YET!
Here are the 10 stages of grief Westberg goes over in GOOD GRIEF (less than $6 on Pick up this gem. It's a quick, easy read that if full of wisdom).
- We are in a state of shock
- We express emotion
- We feel depressed and very lonely
- We may experience physical symptoms of distress
- We man become panicky
- We feel a sense of guilt about the loss
- We are filled with anger and resentment
- We resist returning
- Gradually hope comes through
- We struggle to affirm reality
Sunday, July 23, 2017
33 years ago about 280 of us walked the stage at Harmon Park. Diploma in hand (really, it was just the cover....had to turn in the grad gown in exchange for the "paper!").
So much promise ahead of us.
The CHEERLEADER and I walked that stage on the same day! High School Sweethearts!
10 years went by. Reunion time. Some classmates were with new additions to our "group." Some with families. Many still single. Some classmates no longer with us.
So much promise ahead of us.
20 years went by. Reunion time. The crowd got smaller. By now, the hair is thinning, our "shapes" are changing, our jobs have changed multiple times. "How are the kids? The job? Who's the new love of your life? Cancer, wow...we'll be praying for you." Some more classmates are no longer with us.
So much promise ahead of us.
30 years went by. Reunion time. The crowd is not as big as the last time. The talk of kids; for some Grandkids; "Following you on look great!" "Wow, your kids are doing great." "How the job?" Some have been married for a quite a while. Some were married and now single. Some, forever single. Some more, no longer with us.
When you are now in your late 40' don't have anyone to impress with your job; your home; your status; the realization is that 30 years ago, we all walked the stage at Harmon Park and some of us had been together for the 12/13 years leading up to that point (me, just 8 as my family moved to Kearney as I was starting 5th grade....Northeast Elem!)
So much promise ahead of us.
Today, I heard some sad news about a fellow KHS Class of '84 classmate who is no longer with us. Something happened a few weeks ago that "they" are still trying to find out on the "how."
She was one of the first I met when I moved to Kearney as we were neighbors and went to Northeast Elementary ~ Kearney Junior High School ~ and Kearney High School together. I wouldn't classify her as a close friend, but in recent years, we reconnected via many of us have.
This news got me thinking about what happens when tragedy hits your BEST YEAR YET. What will our response be?
For me, I'm reminded of how fragile life I need to be more intentional with my relationships...I need to be the one to make the effort.
So, for me, I'm going to hug my wife a bit tighter and not let go. I'm going to reach out to others for some connection...maybe a cup of coffee or two.
If you want to reach me, you find me here each day in this BEST YEAR YET blog. You'll see me on some social platforms. Reach out....let's connect.
RIP Miss Cindy.
Saturday, July 22, 2017
You might have hear it said, "Yesterday is history....Tomorrow is as mystery...TODAY is a gift, that is why it is called the PRESENT!
What did you do (or what will you do) that made an IMPACT.....TODAY?
For yourself.
For others.
When you lay your head on your pillow tonight, ask yourself, "Did I win today, or did I lose?" The criteria you choose to measure your "Win or Lose" is YOURS...but to maximize TODAY'S entry in your BEST YEAR YET, you need to keep score.
There is so much promise at the start of each day....even MONDAYS!
I can learn a new language.
I can learn a new skill.
I can start a new healthy lifestyle.
I can continue my healthy lifestyle.
I can make a new friend.
I can LIVE like it is the BEST day of my life.
I can tell my family I love them.
It comes down to CHOICE.
I can CHOOSE how I'm going to spend this GIFT of 24 hours that has been given to me.
Think about those who know their days are limited due to an illness. What they wouldn't give for one more 24 hour cycle that we (includes ME) take for granted.
So, embrace TODAY. Go out and make an IMPACT and leave a mark on this day!
Friday, July 21, 2017
"For I know the plans that I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
Jeremiah 29:11 [NLT]
When you think or dream about the future, what do you see?
Bad things?
Good things?
God things?
What does YOUR future look like to you?
There are so many good quotes/sayings about your past and future:
- You can't change your past, but you can learn from it and change your future.
- You can't change the past. What you can do is change now, change tomorrow, the next day, the next month, AND the REST OF YOUR LIFE!
- Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.
- You can't change the past, so focus on making a great future.
I look at my life this way: Every day I have is a new day. I can LEARN from my past. I can LIVE in today and I can PLAN for the future.
Tomorrow is the FUTURE, so I need to "SEE" it in my heart today, so that when I step into it tomorrow, I've already been there. THAT is FAITH.
FAITH is a conviction based upon hearing. The Bible verse above let's us know that we have an EXCITING FUTURE ahead of us, if we believe in the One who said it.
So, as we continue to walk out this BEST YEAR YET journey, keep your eyes fixed on the One who truly KNOWS not only THE future, but YOUR future.....and in YOUR future, He has GOOD in store for you!
Thursday, July 20, 2017
The late Business Motivational Speaker Jim Rohn once said, "If you really want to do something you'll find a way; if you don't, you'll find an excuse."
What are you "listening" to that is telling you to put something off; or you can't do it; or you're not good enough?
When I was in my 20's I was too young.
When I was in my 30's I didn't have enough experience.
When I was in my 40's why did I wait so long?
I'm now in my 50's and has it passed me up?
The BEST YEAR YET journey doesn't listen to EXCUSES.
BEST YEAR YET journeys do as Mr. Rohn said and FIND A WAY....NOT and excuse.
You're NOT too young.
You're NOT too old.
Whatever age; position; gender; small; tall; thin; not as thin; WHATEVER you have on your heart to do.....DO IT!
I've mentioned here in this BEST YEAR YET blog, but Don Shula once said, "The thing that stops most people is the START."
Today, a friend asked me if I blog everyday? I said that I did and since January 28th, I haven't missed a day. Today is the 174th consecutive day of the BEST YEAR YET blog.
I told him that it was the CHEERLEADER (of course it was...right?), when I mentioned that I was thinking about writing a blog, who said to me, "START!" I said, "when?" "TODAY" was the reply.
I had plenty of things that I could have used for why that day was not a good day to start....BUT I didn't listen to them and I STARTED.
What is it that YOU need to be purposeful about?
Whatever it is, START!
Time to FIND A WAY!
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
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My Three Sons ~ Luke ~ Josh ~ Caleb |
The Bible says in Psalms 127:3 [NLT], "Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him."
Did I just read that correctly? My children are a REWARD from Him....from the me?
What did I do to deserve these THREE men? The CHEERLEADER and I are BLESSED by these THREE beyond words.
Josh - Josh is married (for one year this past Sunday) and lives in Omaha. He and his wife Betsy are buying a house not too far from us. We are excited to have them closer.
Caleb - Caleb and his girlfriend, Cameron, live outside of Chicago. Caleb works in the City at an engineering firm and Cameron just completed her Master's Degree and is looking to get into Medical School! We don't get to see them nearly as much as we would like and miss them dearly.
Luke - Luke is about a month away from entering into his Senior Year of college at Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville, MO. Right now, we get to see Luke each Summer and for the occasional home visit (more like coming back to Omaha, to see his girlfriend, Abbie and we get to see him do laundry!) during the school year.
Psalms 127:4 [NLT], "Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior's hands."
The CHEERLEADER and I were 20 when we got married; 22 when Josh was born; 25 when Caleb was born; and 29 when Luke was born. I think I qualify as the man talked about in Psalms 127:4.
Psalms 127 goes on to say in verse 5, "How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them!" I'm not quite sure on how many make up a quiver....only to say, my quiver is 3 and I have the BEST "arrows" out there.
Those THREE will add to it with their wives and children and we'll keep this thing going!
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Tuesday, July 18, 2017
"A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need." Proverbs 17:17 [NLT]
FRIEND for convenience?
FRIEND only when you need something?
- A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection
I like that, "...a BOND of mutual affection"
I was thinking back to a post from last week, "IN THE STORM," where I talked about my journey over the last year with being diagnosed with prostate cancer and going through surgery (go back and read that post from July 12th).
Even in the storm, I would not back down on my trust and confidence in the ONE TRUE GOD I serve!
Also, I was VERY grateful for my friends who stood with us. Who visited me in the hospital and/or at home. Who did some of "life lifting" for us. Who came alongside the CHEERLEADER to pray for her as well.
So today, I thought, "am I the type of friend who is THE CALM IN SOMEONE ELSES STORM? Am I a FRIEND FOR ALL OCCASIONS?"
So the challenge to me....the challenge to you is to be that "..friend who is always loyal." Be THE CALM IN SOMEONE ELSES STORM.
Be "there" for others as you go through your BEST YEAR YET.
Monday, July 17, 2017
Tonight, the CHEERLEADER and I went to a local bistro to have a nice meal and use up a gift card that we had been given. We really like this place. It sits in an area of our community that has been around for years, but has had a resurgence of shops, restaurants and updated housing the last few years.
This restaurant usually has GOOD SERVICE. Tonight, we had GREAT SERVICE.
The person who waited on us was friendly, knowledgable, engaging, and was very attentive to our water glasses not getting too depleted.
Have you ever been to a place that has good food, but the service is BAD? It almost makes the good food not so good.
There is a HUGE difference between BAD SERVICE and GOOD or GREAT SERVICE.
How are we in life with how we offer SERVICE to others?
Even if you are not in the "service industry," how do you treat and serve others?
I was talking to a friend recently about a family that he knows. I have an "observers" view point of this family, meaning I don't know them personally, but I know who they are and have seen how they handle themselves in public.
This family is from a culture that understands service to others. A number of years ago, I was with them in a gathering with other people. It was in a public setting, yet as people were eating more of a "to-go" type meal, almost everyone in this family took it upon themselves to pick up all the trash, even though it wasn't their responsibility.
If it's your job, you would think that you would do the BEST you our server tonight. BUT.....if you aren't getting paid, how do you go about your service to others?
In John chapter 13, in the Bible, Jesus demonstrated what it means to be a SERVANT LEADER.
Jesus was THE focal point of the night, but after dinner, He took off His robe and put a towel around His waist.....the clothing of the lowest of SERVERS and began to do THE lowest job....He began to wash the feet of His disciples...His friends. He demonstrated how, no matter what "station" in life we are at, we should look to SERVE others.
I want to challenge you to look for ways to SERVE others this week. This goes right along with our post on July 14th and doing something for someone who can't repay you.
Look for creative ways to serve others. That could be your spouse; someone at work; your neighbor; even a complete stranger. Get creative and look to give GREAT SERVICE in your BEST YEAR YET!
Sunday, July 16, 2017
This week has been a week of "REFLECTING" and looking back, in a good way.
As we talked about this past Tuesday, July 11th, the CHEERLEADER and I celebrated 31 years of marriage.
Today, July 16th, our son and daughter-in-love, celebrated their 1 year anniversary.
We got together we them, as well as our daughter-in-loves parents, to share in their "One Year Anniversary Cake" as well as a "REFLECTION" of looking back at that day a year ago, via pictures.
We talked about getting ready that day.
We talked about when the bride and groom had their "reveal" before the wedding.
We talked about all the friends and family that were there to celebrate this GREAT event.
One really good piece of advise that the CHEERLEADER had to our son..."NEVER forget how you felt the moment you saw your bride that day."
What a GREAT word for all of us to REFLECT on. The writer of Hebrews, in the Bible said this in chapter 10, verse 24, "And let us consider one another is order to STIR UP love and good works." [NKJV]
That "STIRRING UP" of love and good works is a REFLECTION of our love for the LORD that we demonstrate to others.
IF we take the CHEERLEADER'S advise in our own lives, whether it is with our spouse, significant other, children, friends or someone we don't know, when we consider them, we'll be "STIRRED UP" to demonstrate God's LOVE in PRACTICAL WAYS (good works).
As we talked about this past Friday, IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU.
Let us all REFLECT ON the goodness that has been bestowed on us and how we can STIR the UP to demonstrate to others LOVE...God's LOVE in US!
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