Sunday, November 5, 2017


Earlier today, the CHEERLEADER was reading me a story from our local paper about a guy from Nebraska who just completed the 2017 Ironman World Championships in Konya, Hawaii.

The Ironman is an endurance competition made up of a 2.4 mile swim in open water; 112 mile bike ride, followed by a marathon...26.2 miles.  All done in a day with a time component that if you don’t hit certain times at designated points on the course, your race is done.

It is in credible feat for anyone, but someone, who 13 years ago found himself waking up, outside next to a dumpster, in the winter, after passing out from being intoxicated, wetting himself, and realizing that his face and hands were frozen to the ground, this is amazing.

This man made up his mind, after waking up that day, that HE had to do something if he wanted his life to be different.

Besides having the strength to get help for his addictions, quitting the vices he had, cold turkey, this guy did something profound.....He made a list of goals.

Not just any goals, but a list of highly improbable goals:

  • Moving into the middle class
    • Even though he was just making minimum wage
  • Being a good father to his daughter
    • Even though he had wrecked every relationship he had to this point
  • THE biggest...most impossible goal of all...he wrote down:
    • This one he wrote down despite being 60 pounds overweight; a pack-a-day smoker; he didn’t own a bike; and, at the time, he didn’t know how to swim
Remember, goals.....YOUR GOALS will always have an opportunity to be realized...IF you don’t quit.

He kept his written list in his wallet....and slowly worked toward them.

What seemingly impossible goals are rolling around in your head?

What is that one, two or three things you want to go after?

Are they big? 

Write a list of things that you want to accomplish.


Start where you are at and look to do “that much more” the next day....then do it aging next day....then the day after that...the day after that.....

The “ball,” IT’S IN YOUR COURT.

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