Wednesday, April 26, 2017



April 26, 2014.  I.RAN.A.MARATHON!

As I mentioned on yesterday's post, I didn't know ALL that I was getting myself into.

At the start, I was nervous.  

I was excited.  

I had one goal...well really two: START....FINISH! I didn't know enough about my pace to give a "time goal." I just wanted to START....FINISH!




the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.

What GOALS do you set?  What is your "I.Q." with those GOALS?  I'm not asking how "intelligent" your GOALS are.  I'm asking what is your "Implementation Quotient?"   What actions do you take to achieve your GOALS?

For me and the goal of running a marathon, I had an 18 week training schedule that I stuck to very closely.  I had no idea of the outcome, but I did know that if I stuck to the plan....if I trusted the training, I would be positioned to realize my goal.

Here are 5 things that will help you to have SUCCESS with your GOALS:
  • Vision
  • Motivation
  • Determination
  • Planning
  • Strategy

In the Bible, Habakkuk 2:2 says, "Write the VISION and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it."

Do you have a clear VISION of what you want to accomplish?  Do you see yourself accomplishing it, or do you just "hope so" when it comes to accomplishing it?

You've most likely heard the quote by Helen Keller when she was asked, "what would be worse than not being about to see?"  To which she replied, "To have sight, but no VISION!"

What is it about your GOAL(s) that motivates you...inspires you to take on this GOAL?
For that first marathon 3 years ago...and the others since, I have the motivation of doing something that I never thought I would be able to do.  Also, I am motivated by the opportunity to help out a cause in ST. JUDE CHILDREN'S RESEARCH HOSPITAL that I believe in.

What motivates you to see your DREAMS/GOALS to completion?

What is it that keeps you going after your GOAL(s) when it gets tough?  I remember, in that first full marathon training cycle, running 18 miles.....20 miles....and how tough it was, both physically and mentally.  That 18 miler was brutal.  I was really feeling it at about 12 miles....and I had 6 miles to go to be back at my car.  It was cold water I brought along with me had wasn't good.  BUT, while I was finishing up that run, I was reminded of WHY I was running this specific marathon:  The patient families of St. Jude.  I determined that what I was going through on that run was in NO COMPARISON to the battle those kids and their families face DAILY.

FIGHTERS....ALL of them.  THAT is what keeps me determined to stay the course for my goals.  

Find something that is WAY beyond you when it comes to your goals.  What is it that will keep you focused....DETERMINED to finish it out?

Have a plan.  Stick to the plan.  Check in on the plan for adjustments.

I mentioned earlier that I knew if I stuck to the plan, I would be in position to hit my goal.  

A year before this first full marathon, I ran my first half marathon.  As I was preparing for that half, I asked 2 friends, on separate occasions, who I knew had run multiple half marathons, what training plan they had used.  They both told me the exact same one.  So I went for that plan and stuck to it.  

Doing that half marathon helped me to realize the importance of having a plan and sticking to it.  Now, there might be times, in going after your goal, that you find yourself off track, behind, etc. 

REMEMBER this:  the plan is a guide to your goal.  If, along the way, you are not on target, don't adjust the GOAL, adjust your plan!

This is where the "I.Q." comes in.  IMPLEMENT!  

I quoted Don Shula a few weeks ago, "The thing that STOPS most people is the START!"

Once you have the VISION, MOTIVATION, DETERMINATION and the is now time to unleash the STRATEGY.  

With STRATEGY comes DOING.  You can have the "doing" without a "strategy" BUT you cannot have a good STRATEGY without DOING!

I went into that first full marathon not knowing what would happen, but I knew I had put in the work and I had positioned myself to achieve my goal.

How did I do?  I finished in 5:12:29.  We helped to raise over $1600 for St. Jude's AND I realized some things about myself that have proven to be so valuable.  

Since that day, 3 years ago, I have completed 6 other full marathons with 2 planned for this year.  BUT the most important lesson.....I realized that with a GOAL, a PLAN with a STRATEGY to execute on, and MOTIVATION and DETERMINATION, I can do a lot of great things...even beyond running!


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