Sunday, April 16, 2017



No, I didn't just cuss (I know my mom is reading this and I didn't want her to pick up a bar of soap...that is MAYBE a post for another day).  


  1. anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on a social media website.

Do you feel this way?  Are others doing "stuff" you wished you were doing?  

I have a little bit of FOMO today.  

Tomorrow, the 121st running of the Boston Marathon is taking place.  I have a bunch of Abbott World Marathon Majors Ambassador friends that are running.  I'm not.

I see their posts on Facebook, on Twitter, on Instagram of their time at the Expo; meeting running celebs; dressing up and going to see the world premier of BOSTON - The Documentary; taking pics with each other; taking pics of the iconic finish line on Boylston Street; and on and on and on.......

I was reminded, again, today, to not let MOMENTS pass us by.  But instead to embrace OUR moments and make the BEST out of each of them.  

In my BEST YEAR YET, I need to realize that I can't be at EVERY cool thing that is happening around the country...around the world.  BUT I can make all the "happenings" around me COOL buy not letting each moment....each opportunity....pass by without putting my STAMP, my SIGNATURE on it!

So you know what I'm going to do?  I'm going to embrace the rest of this day, then I'm going to embrace tomorrow and CHEER on all those who are "toeing the line" tomorrow in Boston. 

I'm making a decision that I'm going to MAKE A DIFFERENCE in my world and embrace all the opportunities that will be around me.  By doing so...and maybe even talking about it on social media....someone in Boston might look at what's going on here and have a FOMO moment!

Praying health, strength and fast legs to all running Boston tomorrow....I won't be missing out on following you!


  1. Always great content, Tim! Keep being awesome!

    1. Thanks Brett. I'll continue to work on the "awesome" part! : )
