Sunday, April 30, 2017


So, I open up facebook this morning and first thing on my timeline is the "On This Day" listing.  

I like looking at these and seeing what was on my mind this day a year ago, two years ago, etc.

ON THIS DAY in 2016, one year ago today, it was the day before the LINCOLN MARATHON and HALF MARATHON and my posts were about running this marathon and also talking about ST. JUDE CHILDREN'S RESEARCH HOSPITAL and my running as a St. Jude Hero.  The Lincoln Marathon wasn't an "official" race I was raising money for, but I was, at the time, raising money for St. Jude's for the upcoming Chicago Marathon later in the year.

The words in today's picture are a grouping of my most used/posted words on facebook in 2016.  The "ON THIS DAY" well as this me thinking about the WORDS I use....the WORDS you use.

This graphic has 55 different groupings of words.  Some single words like, CANCER, HOSPITAL, RUNNING, FULL, HEROES, GIVE, GOAL, TODAY, etc....and some grouped words like, ST. JUDE, TEAMPETERSON, MYJOURNEY, ITSGOODTOBEALIVE, INSPIRED2INSPIRE.

All of these words...all 55 groupings...tell a slice of the story.  All apart of MY JOURNEY.


A few weeks ago, I asked 9 different people (some family...some friends) to describe me in three words.  I wanted to see how I was LIVING in front of others.  WHAT WAS I TALKING ABOUT.....what did my ACTIONS say about me to others?  The consistent words were:

  • Passionate
  • Compassionate
  • Courageous
  • Motivated/Motivator
  • other said something that meant the same, but I loved the word, Cognizant
  • Persevivor - I loved this made up word - "one who survives with perseverance!"
As I read these 27 different, yet similar, words, I saw how I strive to live my life in my BEST YEAR matter what version I am noticeable to others.

If you have been reading these posts over the past 90+ days, I'm sure you can "hear" these WORDS too.

What about you?  WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?  What describes you?  

Remember, your ACTIONS are you WORDS to those around you. 


Drop me ONE WORD that describes YOU in the comments on this post or in whatever social platform you are reading this from.  Let's see what makes up this TRIBE.

Saturday, April 29, 2017


Today was the final day of the 2017 NFL Draft.  

7 rounds....253 draft selections.

Although the draft has been around since 1936, in 1976, the last pick in that year's draft was dubbed, "MR. IRRELEVANT."  Since then, that last pick has that distinction....if you can call it that.

I started to think about it...irrelevant...IRRELEVANT!  Is this person truly IRRELEVANT?



This got me thinking about the jigsaw puzzle.  A friend of mine posted the picture above with this beautifully written narrative, "1500 mixed up beautifully unique pieces.  Such a beautiful picture before they are even put together in their intended places."

This is so true.  We each have that "intended place" that we need to be in.  Sometimes, we don't necessarily like the "place" we are in.  Think of it like this:

Let's say you are putting together a 1500 piece puzzle that is a beautiful picture of a beach, the ocean and beautiful blue sky.  Walking on the beach are two people holding hands. When we dump the pieces on the table to begin to put it together, we are looking at the picture on the box to help us as a guide.  It's tough, because there are many pieces that are just blue for the sky with no real distinction in them.  Same for the ocean and the sand on the beach.  But the people, we know right where they belong.  Let's say that the people represent ONE PIECE of the puzzle.

This is representative of our lives.  The "season" that we are in right now, might have us as part of the sky, ocean or sand.  But we want to be the "people" piece.  We want to stand out on our own.  So we try to take our "piece of sky" and force it where the "people" piece goes. What happens?  A couple of things:

  1. We are out of place.  Our "piece" doesn't fit there
  2. By taking ourselves out of our "intended place" we have made the picture incomplete
In your life...your place is as unique as the variation of the cuts of a piece from a jigsaw puzzle.  

WHAT you have....ALL you are....the world needs!

So don't force your "piece" in places it's not intended....for now.


Friday, April 28, 2017



Living a BEST YEAR YET isn't always positive vibes where "EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!"  
Sometimes it's's hard.

But I wouldn't trade what I have for ANYTHING.  


The picture collage above, it has some really...REALLY great times depicted.  It also has a really....REALLY not "so great" time as well.  Do I wish the hard, tough times never happened?  Duh....YES!  

BUT....they did happen and it is now a part of our story.  A story that, if you have been reading these daily posts, has come up a few times before....and I can guarantee you that it will come up more.  WHY?  Because it is a part of the BEST YEAR YET story.  It's a part of MY BEST YEAR YET story and if I were to leave out the "mess" then there wouldn't be a MESSAGE!  My response is my responsibility.


How about you?  What is your MESSAGE?  Maybe it's just a "mess" right now.  What is one thing you can do, right now, to begin to fix the mess?  

  • Put the bottle down
  • Pick up a Bible and truly read it
  • Go seek professional help
  • Say, "I'm sorry" and mean it
  • Eat clean and exercise (even if it means just getting off the couch and walking)
  • Take your spouse on a date...just the two of you
  • Don't be so hard on yourself
  • Don't be so easy on yourself
  • Own your decisions....good or bad
Those are just a few things to begin to think about it.  Do you LOVE THIS LIFE?  If not and if you really....REALLY want to...YOU CAN!


Thursday, April 27, 2017


So, here I was, the day AFTER my first full marathon (April 27, 2014).  I have found that AFTER I hit a target...AFTER I achieve a GOAL, if I'm not careful, I can have almost a feeling of "let down" the day after Christmas or the day after your birthday.  I have trained for so long and now, it's over.


This is a question that I NOW ask myself after I complete a GOAL.  

After I complete a goal (mine usually revolve around running), here's what I do (you can do this VERY same thing when it comes to ANY goal you have; business/professional or personal):

    • Take time and celebrate what you have just done
    • Look back at where you started and where you are no
    • I want to have something NEW in front of me to go after
    • This helps to keep me focused
So I decided I would next run the Omaha Marathon set for September of 2014.  The training for this one had it's own set of challenges that I'll get into in future posts.  But for now, I was a marathoner....I had the medal to prove it and no one could ever take that away from me.  

All of this was leading to beginning of my BEST YEAR YET.

QUESTION FOR YOU:  What do you do after you reach a goal?  Do you regroup and go after something else, or do you have a "I did it so now I'm done" mentality?

If you are reading this, drop me a note either in the comments below or respond to whatever social media platform you are reading this from.  Let's see how others deal with WHAT'S NEXT!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017



April 26, 2014.  I.RAN.A.MARATHON!

As I mentioned on yesterday's post, I didn't know ALL that I was getting myself into.

At the start, I was nervous.  

I was excited.  

I had one goal...well really two: START....FINISH! I didn't know enough about my pace to give a "time goal." I just wanted to START....FINISH!




the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.

What GOALS do you set?  What is your "I.Q." with those GOALS?  I'm not asking how "intelligent" your GOALS are.  I'm asking what is your "Implementation Quotient?"   What actions do you take to achieve your GOALS?

For me and the goal of running a marathon, I had an 18 week training schedule that I stuck to very closely.  I had no idea of the outcome, but I did know that if I stuck to the plan....if I trusted the training, I would be positioned to realize my goal.

Here are 5 things that will help you to have SUCCESS with your GOALS:
  • Vision
  • Motivation
  • Determination
  • Planning
  • Strategy

In the Bible, Habakkuk 2:2 says, "Write the VISION and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it."

Do you have a clear VISION of what you want to accomplish?  Do you see yourself accomplishing it, or do you just "hope so" when it comes to accomplishing it?

You've most likely heard the quote by Helen Keller when she was asked, "what would be worse than not being about to see?"  To which she replied, "To have sight, but no VISION!"

What is it about your GOAL(s) that motivates you...inspires you to take on this GOAL?
For that first marathon 3 years ago...and the others since, I have the motivation of doing something that I never thought I would be able to do.  Also, I am motivated by the opportunity to help out a cause in ST. JUDE CHILDREN'S RESEARCH HOSPITAL that I believe in.

What motivates you to see your DREAMS/GOALS to completion?

What is it that keeps you going after your GOAL(s) when it gets tough?  I remember, in that first full marathon training cycle, running 18 miles.....20 miles....and how tough it was, both physically and mentally.  That 18 miler was brutal.  I was really feeling it at about 12 miles....and I had 6 miles to go to be back at my car.  It was cold water I brought along with me had wasn't good.  BUT, while I was finishing up that run, I was reminded of WHY I was running this specific marathon:  The patient families of St. Jude.  I determined that what I was going through on that run was in NO COMPARISON to the battle those kids and their families face DAILY.

FIGHTERS....ALL of them.  THAT is what keeps me determined to stay the course for my goals.  

Find something that is WAY beyond you when it comes to your goals.  What is it that will keep you focused....DETERMINED to finish it out?

Have a plan.  Stick to the plan.  Check in on the plan for adjustments.

I mentioned earlier that I knew if I stuck to the plan, I would be in position to hit my goal.  

A year before this first full marathon, I ran my first half marathon.  As I was preparing for that half, I asked 2 friends, on separate occasions, who I knew had run multiple half marathons, what training plan they had used.  They both told me the exact same one.  So I went for that plan and stuck to it.  

Doing that half marathon helped me to realize the importance of having a plan and sticking to it.  Now, there might be times, in going after your goal, that you find yourself off track, behind, etc. 

REMEMBER this:  the plan is a guide to your goal.  If, along the way, you are not on target, don't adjust the GOAL, adjust your plan!

This is where the "I.Q." comes in.  IMPLEMENT!  

I quoted Don Shula a few weeks ago, "The thing that STOPS most people is the START!"

Once you have the VISION, MOTIVATION, DETERMINATION and the is now time to unleash the STRATEGY.  

With STRATEGY comes DOING.  You can have the "doing" without a "strategy" BUT you cannot have a good STRATEGY without DOING!

I went into that first full marathon not knowing what would happen, but I knew I had put in the work and I had positioned myself to achieve my goal.

How did I do?  I finished in 5:12:29.  We helped to raise over $1600 for St. Jude's AND I realized some things about myself that have proven to be so valuable.  

Since that day, 3 years ago, I have completed 6 other full marathons with 2 planned for this year.  BUT the most important lesson.....I realized that with a GOAL, a PLAN with a STRATEGY to execute on, and MOTIVATION and DETERMINATION, I can do a lot of great things...even beyond running!


Tuesday, April 25, 2017



3 years ago, April 25, 2104, it was the day before I ran my first full marathon.  The St. Jude Country Music Marathon (known today as the ST. JUDE ROCK 'N' ROLL NASHVILLE).

I had NO idea what I was about to do.  I didn't even know what the elevation on the course was going to be like.  Boy, did I find out quickly that I didn't put in enough "hill training!"

Here's what I did know:

  • I had run my first half marathon a year earlier, did another one in the fall of 2013 and then one more as a "training run" before the full
  • I had never run more than 20 miles before I set out to run 26.2
  • I set a goal; challenged myself to train over the winter to do this
  • We raised over $1600 for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
I got hooked on running marathons.  I got hooked on running for St. Jude!

Here's how it all began:  Our friends, Rod and Cathy Barr, had been in Omaha a few times in the summer of 2013 and we started talking about running.  In the fall of 2013, Rod ran a charity 5k with me and then came back to Omaha to run the Omaha Half with me.  

I believe it was the night before the 5k, we started talking about doing a destination half marathon the next year.  Rod said we should go to Nashville and run the Country Music Marathon and Half Marathon.  I am always up for a good challenge.  I asked him, "what is the entrance fee?"  He said that he was going to run for St. Jude as a St. Jude Hero and the entrance fee was waived, if you raised a certain amount of money.  I said, "I'm in!"

Well, in-between that 5k and the Omaha Half Marathon, I got to thinking about Nashville, and when Rod and Cathy came up before the half I said, "If we are going all the way to Nashville, we might as well run the FULL!"

So, here we are, in Nashville, April 25, 2014, THE DAY BEFORE.  What a great experience it was.  As a "Hero" we got to go to an awesome pre-race pasta party.  We got to hear some really good music.  We heard story after story of how blessed the St. Jude patient families felt about not only the care at the Hospital, but for US for doing what we were doing.  At the time, I REALLY didn't understand the magnitude of it all.  I was moved, emotionally at the stories and was charged up to do my part, how little or big it was, THE NEXT DAY....

Have you ever stopped and asked yourself, "What is this all about?"  

Have you realized that "what this is all about" goes beyond you?

What is it that you can do?  What cause can you get behind?  Whose life can you impact and help to make a difference in?  
  • A cause you are close to
  • The local shelter for women and children
  • Abandoned pets
  • The church you attend
There are OPPORTUNITIES in abundance, you just have to get out of your own way and see them.

The 18 weeks that led up to me running this first marathon was life changing.  Not only in my realization that I CAN run a long way....but also in the fact that there is something that I can do that will have a lasting impact on others.  I found out in just 18 weeks THAT I CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

I didn't know it yet....but this was leading me to my BEST YEAR YET!

More to come......

I had made a choice that this year, 2017, I wasn't going to be running any far away destination marathons.  The 4 I ran last year coupled with some health challenges, made me decide to do things differently this year.  As a result, I'm not running "officially" as a St. Jude Hero in the 2 marathons I am running this year.  I will be sporting some type of St. Jude gear and will talk about it wherever I go.....BUT...the Cheerleader and I are still supporting other Heroes efforts for the cause of Childhood Cancer research and finding cures.  I want to encourage you, to get involved:  
  • Maybe through financial donations
  • Maybe through volunteering at a race
Whatever you can do, whether you think or feel that is small or great....IT WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!  Click St. Jude Children's Research Hospital to go to their site and look at different way YOU can make a difference.

Monday, April 24, 2017


"In life, be a participant, not a spectator."  Lou Holtz

Tagging on to our discussion from yesterday to LIVE LOUD, I want to continue to explore what that means.

We all have choices.

Where to live?

What to drive?

Single or married?

Chocolate or Vanilla?

And the list, like the choices themselves, goes on and on.

What about life?  Your LIFE?  What will YOU choose?

In the Bible, Deuteronomy 30:19 says, "Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses.  Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make.  Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might LIVE!"

" that you and your descendants might LIVE."  This LIFE we have been given....we are encouraged...almost being pleaded with to choose to LIVE our life.

Yesterday, we explored people that I know who LIVE LOUD.  They make choices to not sit it not just spectate, but to get into the GAME OF LIFE and PARTICIPATE.

A friend of mine, a number of years ago, as I was beginning the journey to regain my health, told me, "Tim, you can have results or excuses, just not both!"  That one sentence made a MAJOR impact on me.  I had excuse after excuse for why I couldn't _________(fill in the blank).  At that time, I needed to expand my vision for not what life what, but what LIFE COULD BE!  Since then, I have thought about that over and over again.  

MY choice.  What will I choose?


Author and Leadership Expert, John C. Maxwell is quoted saying, "Sometimes you WIN and sometimes you LEARN!"  I would add, to WIN or LEARN, you have to be in the GAME!

Over the next few weeks, I'll be weaving in stories of choices I dealt with a year ago...choices to LIVE LIFE, not as a SPECTATOR but as a PARTICIPANT.  Choices where, at times I WON and some where I LEARNED.  In my BEST YEAR YET 2.0, it wasn't always awesome, but, I believe, what I have to share, can help to shape YOUR BEST YEAR YET!

Now....get out and PLAY!

Sunday, April 23, 2017



I don't mean that your voice volume is turned up to an "11" (my wife has a side of her family they call the "loud family" because they all talk SO LOUD!.....that's not what I'm talking about).

Are your truly LIVING LOUD your life and it's purpose?

I have a friend from England; a fellow Abbott World Marathon Majors Ambassador, who ran the London Marathon today, dressed up like a STAR.  Maybe you saw him.  He's all over the news, even here in America.  After he finished, Kate Middleton placed his finishing medal around his...I think you would say the top of the star.  Following today's race, he posted this:

"For a while, I have been thinking what do I live for? How would I like to be remembered?
I want to live my life to the fullest; make a difference in life; stay positive; hunger for success.
I want to be a star ⭐️, even just for a day. Feel divine as people think I shine. I want to have a WR under my name, be some sort of legend would inspire people to put themselves out there, running or whatever they want to do and achieve great thing."

My friend Michael is LIVING LOUD!

The Cheerleader and I have a neighbor/friend who is battling cancer...Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I.HATE.CANCER.  This disease has affected many.  I'm sure we all know someone; friend, co-worker, loved one, even ourselves; that has battled or is currently in the fight.  Well my neighbor, she's not sitting this one out.  While undergoing treatment, she is still completing classes to become an occupational therapist!  She always has THE brightest disposition....AND not only that, she throwing a "I HAVE NO HAIR AND I DON'T CARE PARTY!" next week.

My friend Julia is LIVING LOUD!

I talked with another friend yesterday who told me that, she and her family, have been "going through it" this past year.  She had surgery to correct a vision issue in one of her eyes and will most likely have the other one done.  This has affected her passion of fitness, exercise and strength training. You want to know something:  It hasn't stopped her from pursuing her passion to HELP OTHERS..even though she is sidelined, personally, from working out.  

My friend Christa is LIVING LOUD!

I have friends who are:
  • Helping entrepreneurs with a podcast designed to be encouraged as they chase the dream
  • Pastoring churches that are effecting entire communities helping the less fortunate with things like groceries (they recently passed the 1 MILLION POUND of food given away!
  • Mentoring young people with their life's potential
  • Effecting inner cities with helping other understand their GOD GIVEN POTENTIAL to live life as a GAME CHANGER
  • Using the platform of running to help many charities, sometimes their own, so that others can have a greater chance at life
ALL of these AND many more I didn't list....they LIVE LOUD!

How about you?  Would you like to be a STAR for a day, if it meant that someone was encouraged or inspired?  How about "embracing life" and not worrying about what others think of you. Or a whole host of other OUT OF THE BOX...LIVE LOUD...things that make a difference in other lives.  By doing this, in your BEST YEAR YET.....believe me, you'll MAKE A DIFFERENCE in your own life too!


Not only did my friend Michael get recognized by the Royals for completing the London Marathon in a STAR costume, he also set a Guinness World Record as being the fast man to complete a marathon dressed like a STAR.  YEP, there's a WORLD RECORD FOR THAT!

Michael's official certificate from Guinness World Records

Saturday, April 22, 2017


Tomorrow, Sunday, April 23rd, the London Marathon is happening.  I have a few friends that are running this ABBOTT WORLD MARATHON MAJOR.  There are Six Marathon Majors (Tokyo, Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago, New York City) in the series, and I have run two of the six (New York City and Chicago) so far.  GOOD LUCK to all of the ABBOTT WORLD MARATHON MAJORS AMBASSADORS running London tomorrow!

When one of these Marathon Majors comes up, I usually know someone running in it. Each time, I think about all the miles of training that has taken place; the early morning runs; the running in rain, snow, heat, cold, etc.  But all of this leads up to "race day."  For everyone running, it is now time to TOE THE LINE

What does it mean to TOE THE LINE?  It means to "be poised at the start of a footrace." To me, that means:  JUST SHOW UP and do what you have set out to do.  To do what you have been training for so long, in the face of challenges, to do.

I realize that "life" sometimes takes different turns you weren't expecting.  The question I will ask you is this: Will you just sit there and take it?  Or, will you NOT let the situation or circumstance dictate to you what it will be like for you?

Your situation could be health related; it could be work related; it could be a relationship issue; it could be a financial crisis; it is how you deal with it that will determine your outlook.

To TOE THE LINE is to look at "life's happenings" and to learn/grow from each moment. I have personal experience in this might too.  Speaking for me, I'm choosing to be the VICTOR and not the victim.  

"You don't know what I've been through, Tim."  You are correct, I don't know....and you don't know everything I've been through.  But one thing I can tell you is this, YOU CAN FIGHT OR YOU CAN FOLD....the choice is yours. 

IF you want it, you can go get it.  It might not happen in the time that you thought it should....but if you don't quit, IT.WILL.HAPPEN!!  Wouldn't you like to be the "COMEBACK STORY OF THE YEAR, in this BEST YEAR YET? 

So, TOE THE LINE and let's get this RACE started.  What do you say?

Friday, April 21, 2017



Many years ago, I heard this saying that I have used and (tried to) live by: 

"Live your life like a rubber band.  A rubber band is not at its GREATEST potential until it's been stretched!"

To be stretched in our lives means getting out of our comfort zone.  

"LIFE begins at the end of our comfort zone."

  1. 1.
    latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness.


It's in you.  It's in me.  How do we, in our BEST YEAR YET, get it out?


  • Do you believe others when they tell you that you
    • Sing good
    • You are strong
    • You inspire them
    • And on and on and on....
  • Many times others "see" it in you before you see it in you.  Listen

  • Almost 30 years ago, I had someone believe in me and my gifts and began to pull those "giftings" out of me.  
    • I learned how to speak and do presentations to the public  
    • I developed a confidence in how to relate to others and be understood
  • Others recognizing your POTENTIAL is great.  Having mentors recognize your POTENTIAL is great.  BUT you recognizing your POTENTIAL, developing yourself and bringing out your gifts is FANTASTIC!
    • I've said it before...I'm going to say it now...and I will most likely say it again:
        • Don't hide it....LET.IT.OUT!!
Don't let anyone EVER tell you that you can't do it!  Don't limit your yourself by your own SMALL THINKING....LIMITING BELIEFS.



Thursday, April 20, 2017


Yesterday, we said to KEEP IT SIMPLE.  SIMPLICITY.  SMILE - LAUGH - GIVE more!

I mentioned that in my BEST YEAR YET 2.0, "things unexpected" happened in my life.  I'm not going to go over them if you want to know more, go back and read yesterday's post.

Whether we are READY OR NOT, the unexpected WILL happen.  What will you do when it does?

I could give you the "rub some dirt on it" or "suck it up, buttercup" actions, instead, I will give you my core beliefs that continue to get me through...DAILY.

Here are 3 Simple Principles that will help you during the READY OR NOT periods of your life:
    • Don't miss out on the "moments so dear."  Romans 12:2 says, "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.  Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."
    • The learning process can take some time.  SLOW DOWN and let it mold you from within!
  • LET GO
    • Realize this:  YOU.ARE.NOT.IN.CONTROL!  When I went through multiple "READY OR NOTs" in 2016, one thing I had to come to grips with is that I wasn't in control.  I knew, based on what I believe, that God DID NOT do any of this to me, but I also knew I needed to trust in HIM to see me through.  
    • Hebrew 10:35-36 says, "So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it bring you.  Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God's will.  Then you will receive all that He has promised."
    • Grateful NOT because of the READY OR NOT situation, but GRATEFUL that HE (God) has made a way for you to get through it and succeed.
    • 2 Corinthians 2:14 says, "Now thanks be to God who ALWAYS leads us in triumph in Christ...."  Another translation says, "...who leads us in His triumphant procession."
      • He knows the way, He goes the way, and He shows the way!
Whether you are READY OR NOT, apply these 3 simple actions and you'll get through these moments and on to your BEST YEAR YET!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


I had a conversation the other day with an acquaintance.  He didn't know about my health challenges in 2016, so I did a quick recap for him.

I started by going back to November of 2014, when I turned 49.  I told him about my quest finish off my 40's on a high note with my BEST YEAR YET.  I told him about running the New York City Marathon as my EXCLAMATION POINT to cap off that BEST YEAR YET.

"How do you follow your BEST YEAR YET?"  I asked him.  "By pushing the reset button and having another BEST YEAR YET!" I told him.  Which lead us into running more marathons, a cancer diagnosis, a bacterial infection, hospital stays, surgery, etc.  Things I didn't expect or plan for, but ALL things that helped to shape my "BEST YEAR YET 2.0."  

Which leads us to today, and the current "3.0" version of my BEST YEAR YET!  Today, I was holding on a call and they didn't have hold music, but it was more like an advertisement.  The voice on this recording started off by saying, "Remember when you were a kid?  Things were was good."


  1. 1.
    easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty.

As I heard this, I thought about my BEST YEAR YET journey.  Others asked me, during the "BEST YEAR YET 1.0", "what does that look like?"  They asked how I was going to quantify this?  In dealing with GOALS, whether in business or personal, there is a statement that says, "if you can't measure it, then you can't improve it." 

What actions would I do so that I could track or measure my progress?  What are you going to do that will improve your BEST YEAR YET?

Here are 3 things that I use to measure my BEST YEAR YET.  You might want to adopt these 3 actions for yourself as well:

I figured that if I could do MORE of those three things (SMILE; LAUGH; GIVE), I would truly have a BEST YEAR YET.  Even in the middle of challenges, I could still do these three things.

In the Bible, in Mark 10:14, Jesus said, "...Let the children come to Me.  Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children."

"Remember when you were a kid?  Things were simple..."

Look at a stranger; a co-worker; a friend or family member and just SMILE!
Find reasons to LAUGH at life.  Don't take yourself too seriously.
To GIVE is more than putting money in the does include this, but it's about your life. What you have that others need.  GIVE it away.

Don't make it complex.  KEEP IT SIMPLE!


Tuesday, April 18, 2017



Do you convince yourself that life would be better after ________ (fill in the blank: ie.; others around us get THEIR act together; we get a nicer car; we get a better home; we go on a great vacation; we retire)?

There's no better time to be happy than right now.

Challenges will be there.  Understand that....recognize it....and be happy anyway.

STOP WAITING  until you finish school, go back to school, lose the 10 pounds, until you have kids, until your kids leave the house, until you grow up, until you start work, until you retire, until you get married, until Friday night, until Spring, until Summer, until Fall, until Winter, until the 1st or 15th, until your favorite song comes on, until you've had a drink, until you've sobered up, until you die, until you are born decide there is no better time than right now to be happy.

Focus less on waiting for happiness to find you, instead, seek out happiness on your own. You HAVE to be intentional to have your BEST YEAR YET!

Are you guilty in getting caught up in the waiting?  Waiting to figure out your dreams or waiting to pursue them.  YOU control your own happiness.  Don't wait for someone else to come by and add to your happiness.



NOTE: Today's post was inspired by an essay I recently read, "Stop Waiting" author Unknown.

What or who inspires you?  If this BEST YEAR YET blog inspires you, let me know and please tell others and pass it on.

Monday, April 17, 2017


Have you ever won something where the main stipulation was that you MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN?  BIG or small, you just have to be "there" in order to win?

The Cheerleader and I have these friends who were driving around one day listen to the radio.  The on-air personalities of the radio station were doing a live feed from a car dealership and one of the enticements to get people to the dealership was a car give-a-way....BUT, you had to be present to win.  Also, the clock was ticking....they were doing the drawing at a certain time..and that time was quickly approaching.

My friends raced over to the dealership, got their name in the drawing and....YEP, you guessed it...THEY WON!  All because they were PRESENT when the drawing took place.

How about you in your BEST YEAR YET...are you PRESENT?

PRESENT in your marriage?  PRESENT as a mother or father?  PRESENT as a friend or neighbor?  PRESENT on your job?  

It's very easy to get caught up in the "I'm so busy" or "I'm too busy."  Don't let the distractions of your hobby (ie - running; golfing; gaming; social media surfing; shopping; crafts; etc) pull you away from what it truly important in your life.  

Remember, if you want to have your BEST YEAR YET....if you want to have success in life with you spouse, with your kids, and other VALUES you hold up on important, then "race" to where you need to be, because: