Tuesday, March 7, 2017


I'm sure we have all heard the saying, "Work/Life Balance."  I'm sure I have even used that saying.  Usually it is used when we want to or need to justify having to work when we should be doing "life."  We tell ourselves, "It's ok, because I have the weekend..." or "...I have the vacation coming up and I'll totally unhook, sort of, then."  It's tough to balance it...and even if you do, something, like I just described, will take precedence and your work/life will NOT be in balance.

About 5 years ago, I was at a conference for work. It was a large industry conference and like most conferences, it had a vendor area.  In one part of the vendor area, was the headline sponsor of the event's booth.  Sitting there, with no one around him, was this VERY well known (in those circles) Industry Leader.  A "Hall of Famer."  With no one around him, I thought, "here's my chance to go ask him a couple of questions."  So I approached him and introduced myself and asked for permission to ask a couple of questions.  He was very gracious and told me to ask away.  I reference a book he had written and I had read. I said to him, "I've read your book, I've seen you at these conferences, I have seen you on video teaching and it is obvious that you have been and are a successful business man, husband, father, grandfather, author, etc.  How do you balance it all?"  He said to me, "Tim (I'm thinking, He know's my name?  but I had a name tag on, so let's count "observant" in with the list of traits I said to him), if you remember in my book, I don't talk about living a balanced life but instead I talked about living a blended life."  I was called out by the author....he went on to say, "When I'm at the office, I'm still the family man, but I know that I need to run the office like a business owner.  When I'm at home, I'm still a business owner, but I know I need to be present as a husband, father, grandfather.  I have learned, wherever I am, to be PRESENT THERE."

I have thought about that many times over the years since I have heard it.  I have even used it when talking to my clients that I coach that have a hard time NOT checking their work email when they are on vacation with their family.  My advice is: GET OFF THE GRID!  Unless it is a dire emergency, it can wait for you.  BE PRESENT WHERE YOU ARE!

What about you?  Are you (off) BALANCED or (fully) BLENDED?  I want to encourage and challenge you today to be BLENDED and don't sacrifice one for the other.

So, next time you are getting ready to head out for a day or even days of vacation and you leave that customary company out of the office email or voice mail, don't say you'll be checking email or if the REALLY need you to call your mobile.  It will be there when you get back.  Your BEST YEAR YET includes getting off the grid now and again.  Embrace it!

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