Tuesday, March 14, 2017


A few years ago, I had the privilege to hear Author/Researcher/Speaker Shaun Achor speak at a conference I was at.  Take a look and listen to a similar presentation he gave as part of a TEDx Talk here.

As you watch the TEDx Talk, you hear some whit along with science (as Mary Poppins sang, "A spoonful of sugar, helps the medicine go down...and science is like nasty medicine to me:  needed but hard to swallow!) of Happiness....how GRATEFUL are we, truly?

On my run this evening, I was thinking more about all that I'm thankful/grateful for.  It was chilly, but I was breathing in and out the goodness of the crisp air.  It seemed (at least in my opinion) to make me feel stronger...more alive.  

So, as I ran today, I thought about the 5 disciplines Shaun spoke to the group I was a part of, to do for 21 days.  Why 21 days?  They (once again, whoever "THEY" are) say that to either start or stop a habit, it takes 21 days.  So if you have a habit you want to break, focus on NOT doing it for 21 days.  If there is a good, healthy habit you want to have as part of your lifestyle, do it for 21 days.  21 days....3 weeks....can you START or STOP something for 21 days?  

Before I give you the 5 disciplines or positive habits, I want to ask you an all important question:  

If we are going after our BEST YEAR YET, then there are disciplines we are going to need to incorporate into our life.  Here are the 5 disciplines to do for (at least) 21 days:
  • Positive Habit #1 - Write down 3 new things, each day, you are grateful for.  They can be anything.  Don't limit it...think and write down 3 things each day.  At the end of this post, I'll give you my 3 for today and be looking each day for the next 21 days for my "3 daily gratitudes."
  • Positive Habit #2 - Journal for 2 minutes...TWO MINUTES..that's all, describing a meaningful experience that happened over the past 24 hours.  I would encourage you to do Positive Habits 1 & 2, first thing in the morning, to get your day started off, well....POSITIVE!
  • Positive Habit #3 - Add (at least..that's my add there!) 15 minutes of fun, active cardio to your daily routine.  Get your heart pumping: a brisk walk; a run; an exercise video; whatever will do it for you.  
  • Positive Habit #4 - Invest 2 minutes....I know you got it, just TWO MINUTES...of non-activity/meditation...if that word scares you, how about THINKING....to train your brain to just watch/listen to your breath/breathing.  I have not subscribed yet, but I heard there is a great app called Headspace.  Check it out.
  • Positive Habit #5 - Take 2 minutes...there it is again...(you can do 2 minutes, right?) and email/text/instant message one person, each day, in your social network and thank them.  This could be a loved one; a friend; a teacher; mentor; whoever...but let them know what they have done for you that you are grateful/thankful for.
These 5 actions are NOT difficult to do.  I CHALLENGE you...I'm going straight to the TRIPLE DOG DARE on this one.  Take the next 21 days from when you read this, and do these five.  Let me know after the 21 days are up what you think and how it has effected you.  Now, don't tell me "it didn't work" if you gave up at day 3 or 13 or even day 20....take it the whole way.  Send me a message to one of my social spots:
  • Right here in the comment section below
  • Email: pete3jn2@gmail.com
  • Instagram: @tcpeterson01
  • Twitter: @_timpeterson
  • Facebook: www.facebook.com/tim.peterson.1848
I'll look forward to hearing from you as you continue to journey on to have your BEST YEAR YET.

My 3 things I'm GRATEFUL for today:
  • My health
  • Warm clothes
  • Water
See, it's not that difficult.  How about yours?  Are you in?


  1. I'm in! These habits are ones I've adopted throughout my life in the last 20 years or so and can always use a little tweaking or even a 'two finger boost!' I accept your double dog dare and here's what I am grateful for TODAY: my health, the sun, grandchildren. 21 Days it is!! Oh and I'm grateful for Y-O-U...
