Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Yesterday, we talked about GRATITUDE and what elements we could incorporate into our daily lives to express GRATITUDE and THANKFULNESS. 

We started a "21 DAY CHALLENGE" (see yesterday's post). In the blog, I mentioned, as my 3 things I was grateful for yesterday, were:
  • My health
  • Warm clothes
  • Water
Although I am very grateful for those 3, and they are a great part of my list for 21 days, I should have led with what I wrote for today (see at the end of this post my 3 things for today).  I guess I wasn't wanting to state the obvious, but sometimes the obvious is exactly what you need to state.  In journalism, there is a phrase that says, "don't bury the lead!"  It means you should write the MOST important thing first. 


For me, there is no BEST YEAR YET without my FAMILY. 

The Cheerleader, My 3 Sons, my Extended Family....these are my top 3 for today.


I am SO thankful/grateful for all of my three. 

They say that you really know who are the closest to you when you "up against it."  I have had some times over the past 12 month, where I was "up against it," and "My 3" for today were ALWAYS there.  Sometimes it was with a call, a card, a hug...whatever it was, they were there.  Even when I was not reacting the most positive way, especially the Cheerleader...probably because she was with me ALL the time....she was so strong.  I now realize that I took that "strength" for granted know that she was hurting too...just differently.

My boys, the newest Mrs. Peterson as well as all my sibs and parents (both the Cheerleader's and mine) are a great group to "go through it" with.  

So to all my FAMILY....THANK YOU!  I intend to continue to have my BEST YEAR YET.  I encourage you to follow my lead and purpose to have your BEST YEAR YET.  But realize this, you shouldn't go it alone.  

Maybe you don't have any blood family living...but you most likely have some type of "tribe" that you belong to (the gym; church; work friends; your running club; November Project; etc).  Invest your time in them....they will invest their time in you!



OK...I mentioned it above, but here are my top 3:

My 3 things I'm GRATEFUL for today:
  • The Cheerleader
  • My 3 Sons
  • Extended Family


  1. So grateful for all y'all! #finishstrong

    1. And #finishstrong we will! Grateful for your words of encouragement and friendship.
