Sunday, March 5, 2017


The news broke over the weekend that "one of our own," Anthony "Slick" Steels passed away at the age of 57.  You don't have to have played for the Huskers or even attended the University of Nebraska to call any player, "one of our own!"  All you have to do is be an avid Husker Fan...that gives your right, in my opinion....especially for a former walk on who was electric in how he played back in the late 70's to early 80's.

This story REALLY hit home for me when I first read it, on line, late last night (3/4/17):  "Anthony Steels, former Husker and pro football player....DIED OF PROSTATE CANCER." This is how the article started.  You see, if you don't know my story, last May, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer.  Even though it was caught early, in my life, ANY time I read about someone else's battle, it makes me stop, pause and reflect.

I HATE CANCER.  There, I've said it...and I'm not taking it back!  I don't HATE many things but CANER is right up there to the #1 thing.  I watched my Grandpa die from this hideous disease and I, myself, had to go through hearing the "C" word used in describing what was happening in my body.  I'm sure you have either a loved one or a friend who has battled as well...CHAMPIONS, all of them are, in my book!

PSA ALERT (Public Service Announcement!):


I am a HUGE advocate of my annual physical.  You want to know why?  I'll give you ONE main reason: I LOVE MY FAMILY!  

About 16 years ago, we were driving in Omaha (I could take you right to the spot) and the Cheerleader asked me one of the GREATEST questions she has ever posed to me:  "Do you love me?"  I was so caught off guard. "Do I love you?  Of course I love you, don't I tell you enough?"  She said, "oh you tell me all the time."  I was confused....."Oh, I know, I don't bring you home flowers enough..."  "NO, you don't," she said, "but that's not what I'm talking about.  What would happen to me and the boys if something happened to you?"  Here I was, 35ish...not in the best of shape, but not in the worst either.  But her words cut HARD into me.  It was about that time that I started making my annual physical a priority.

So in early 2016, after my physical, my doctor, who I have seen for almost 20 years, said, "I want you to go see the urologist.  The PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) levels in your blood work has been slowly elevating the past few years, but it spiked this year."  I had no idea what a PSA was.  Like many of you, I'm thinking "public service announcement?"  So I hit up the Google machine to find out what the definition of "PSA" was when it comes to a medical examine.  When I saw that it was a test that helped in determining or ruling out prostate cancer, I was a bit in shock.  So I went to see the urologist; had a biopsy; was told the diagnosis was prostate cancer...EARLY STAGES....had a prostatectomy...ran 2 marathons within 4 months of surgery.

I emphasize EARLY STAGES, only because I am consistent with my annual physical.  Guys, it is NOT macho to NOT go to the doctor....IT'S THE MANLIEST THING YOU CAN DO for you and your family!  DO YOU LOVE YOUR OWN LIFE?  Go set an appointment, if it's been a while, and ASK to make sure they check the PSA in your blood work.  Not all doctors will order the PSA test, but if you are over 40, ASK for them to check PSA.  

"THEY" say (whoever "THEY" are) that 1 in 7 men, over 40, will get prostate cancer.  There is so much GREAT research being done on the subject right now.  Check out the website for Zero - The End of Prostate Cancer.  This is a GREAT organization with a lot of information. I was just on their site earlier and and there was an article about recent increase in budget legislation for more research.  Last fall, I ran a 5K, in Lincoln, sponsored by Zero - The End of Prostate Cancer.  I most likely will run it again on September 17th (there is also a run in Des Moines on September 16th  and Kansas City on October 1st) since it is in my area.  Wherever you are from, check the Zero - The End of Prostate Cancer website to find a walk/run in your area.

So here is my challenge to you:  

  • Men, if you haven't been to see your doctor for an annual physical in a while, get it scheduled, it could save your life
  • Ladies, encourage the men in your life to go see the's the sexiest thing he could do for you....tell him that and mean it
    • Also, Ladies, when was the last time you went in for your annual physical?  

So, to SLICK....RIP brother.  Thank you for encouraging others, in your last week, to not wait but go get checked by their doctor.  See you on the other side!

Please share this post on all your social media outlets (Facebook; twitter; Instagram; etc) and get the message out!  Thank you.

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