Monday, March 13, 2017


A good friend of mine sent me a text the other day.  His son was getting ready to go through a try-out for a fairly prestigious Summer athletic team.  I don't know who was more nervous, the son or the dad!  

As a father, I remember that matter what activity my boys were going through; be it an athletic try-out; music try-out; college entrance exams; etc.  It didn't matter what it was, I was SO nervous for them, because I saw their potential and wanted THEM to see it too.

So many times we place self-imposed limits or caps on ourselves.  In the book, "If It Ain't Broke...Break It!"  Robert Kriegel and Louis Patler write, "We don't have a clue as to what people's limits are.  All the tests, stopwatches, and finish lines in the world can't measure human potential.  When someone is pursuing their dream, they'll go far beyond what seem to be their limitations.  The potential that exists within us is limitless and largely untapped."

Maybe we have heard from someone else, "ah, he/she's too short" or "you're not good at math" or "what makes you think you can do that?" and WE...ME...US...we begin to believe others over our dreams.  A great example of this is NFL veteran, Danny Woodhead (click on his name for an indepth youtube look at his life and not giving up).  Danny is a small guy in stature, from a small town in Nebraska, who went to a small college, and he has done BIG things...not because it was given to him or because it was easy.  He has persevered when so many others have told him he didn't have what it every level that he's played.

What limits have your placed on your life?  What lie have you "bought" about what you can do?  Time to "unscrew" that "cap" and let your potential out!  One of my favorite saying is, "Let him who says it can't be done, get out of the way of him that is doing it!" you work hard, you try-out..take the test...but it doesn't turn out how you wanted it to.  What now?  Quit or GRIT?  Will you give up on your dream because you weren't picked?  I'm sure we've all heard the story of Thomas Edison going through 10,000 trys to get the light bulb invented; or better yet, how would you like to be the coach that cut Michael Jordan from the High School basketball team?  Whether you are Tom or Mike or somebody else, realize that the only limits you have are the ones that YOU put on yourself.  

So, go out there, in this your BEST YEAR YET, and show the world the potential you have! And if others say you can't do it, ask them to get out of your way!

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