Saturday, March 4, 2017


Today is the only day of the year where we are told to do something: MARCH FORTH!

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to keep moving forward.  I have a friend who has faced all types of struggles: divorce; issues with his kids; business challenges; and the list keeps going on and on.  Recently he told me about all of these things and how he found himself not wanting to get out of bed...he actually stayed in bed for a couple of days.  But then something happened.....he realized that if he was to get out of the mental funk he was in, he needed to MARCH FORTH!

What are you facing or dealing with today?  Has this past week...past month...past year...been anything but what you had hoped?  MARCH FORTH!

Usually, in my life, many of the "things" I find myself in are mostly due to my doing.  Now, I have had things, like a cancer diagnosis, that I have had no control over, but many times, it's my poor decisions that have led to the unfavorable situation.  Here are a couple of tips to MARCH FORTH:

  • OWN IT:
    • I heard before that "my response is MY responsibility!"  It is so true.  I have a choice how I am going to act AND react at any given time.
    • I read, just this morning, that by owning my mistakes/choices, instead of blaming others, this is the first step in overcoming
    • Remember:  keep you eyes fixed forward and stop looking're not going that way!  Remember last week we talked about "Attitude and Altitude" and how your "gaze" will determine how high you fly or how low you go (go back to 2/24 post and read it again)!  THE.CHOICE.IS.YOURS!!
So, on this 4th day of March, take action and MARCH FORTH into your BEST YEAR YET!

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