Sunday, October 29, 2017


"A man who has friends must himself be friendly..." Proverbs 18:24 [NKJV]

We live in a day and age where we judge our worth on how many "likes" a post gets on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

Our self worth shouldn't be determined by "likes" but by how we treat others.

Who are you when no one is watching?

Who are you when you don't get recognized for what you do?

Who are you when you don't get the click throughs, the likes, the 💙 💙 emojis, etc.?

Having a BEST YEAR YET is more about what you can do for others then it is about you.  

Don't get me wrong, the things you set out to do (laugh more...give more...just BE more), will do something to and for you, but it is when we extend ourselves beyond ourselves that IMPACT is truly made.

"A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need." Proverbs 17:17 [NLT]

That is the type of friends I want to surround myself with.  





You see, anyone can be in with in your corner when all is GREAT...but give me those that will be there when things aren't going great....whether it was my own doing or something that was out of my control.

I have friends like Proverbs 17:17 talks about.  

I strive to be a Proverbs 17:17 friend.

How about you?  

Do you have friends like that? 

Are you a friend like that?

So the next time you post something, don't be so concerned with the "likes," be more aware of your LIKABILITY!

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