Sunday, January 21, 2018


Today, I “had” to fly to Memphis.

I have the opportunity to be one of 12 or so runners, representing ST. JUDE CHILDREN’S RESEARCH HOSPITAL in this year’s Boston Marathon as a St. Jude Hero.

This is the 5th time I have ran a marathon where I have raised money and awareness for St. Jude.

Every time I run for St. Jude, I am honored to do so.

I am meeting up with all those who are running Boston, like me, as a St. Jude Hero.  

We are doing some “team building” and also having an opportunity to visit the Hospital tomorrow.


Sometimes I look at ALL of this and ask this question.

I started this marathon journey 4 years ago and when I toe the line at Boston on April 16th, this will be my 10 full marathon...and 5th as a St. Jude Hero.

Today, flying from Omaha to Memphis, I had a quick....and I mean quick....layover/connection in Atlanta.

After boarding in the ATL, we took off for our 50 minute flight.

About 30 minutes into the flight, I was listening to some music, and I was startled by someone.  The guy sitting right behind me got up and touched my arm and I dropped my phone.

After I realized what was happening, I turned off the music and he said to me, pointing to my sweatshirt (I was wearing a special hoodie for our Boston St. Jude Heroes team that had said “St. Jude Heroes” on the back), “Do you do that?”  I said, “Yes.”  What happened next is something that I will never forget.


4 years ago, I ran my first marathon.  The Country Music Marathon - Nashville, which was part of the Rock-n-Roll Marathon series, and this one, the charity was St. Jude.

I was running this with a friend who had a direct association with St. Jude as their son had been treated at St. Jude years before (and was doing, on going check ups at the time).  Their lives were impacted greatly.

They told stories of all that St. Jude did for their son....did for them.   They told of how grateful they were to have St. Jude because without it, they don’t know what they would have done, financially, to provide the care for their son.  Well, they would have done what ever it took.

When we ran that first marathon in April of 2014, at the night before pasta dinner, we got a small glimpse, from our friends, the impact of the St. Jude Heroes and what that means to a patient family.

You see, no family every pays when their child is treated at St. Jude.

It’s all because of the donations of people that it is so.


 I’m running Boston.  I’m once again raising money.


So that no family will have to worry about anything other than the health of their child.

THAT is how I got here.

The guy on the plane?  

He reached out his hand, shook mine and said, “THANK YOU.”  And then sat down.

There is probably so much more I could say, but that alone was enough for me.  

It is enough to keep me going.

 To be a part of helping St. Jude through my running the Boston Marathon, go to: To donate.

Thank You. 

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