Friday, January 26, 2018


I saw this picture today and it reminded me of a couple of things.

One, I run marathons.

When running, somebody, usually around mid-race when there is more than 10 miles to go, will either have a sign or will be yelling, "you look're ALMOST THERE!"

It's almost like hearing someone shout out "FREEBIRD!" at ANY concert.

Next, tomorrow is BEST YEAR YET blog number 365.

So, we are ALMOST THERE.

But just like with any goal, you can't quit early, and say, "well, I did 363 or 364 in a row.  What will missing a couple of days at the end do?  I still did it, almost, right?"

When you are on a trip to a destination, do you stop 5 miles away and say, "this is good enough.  I'm ALMOST THERE" ?


Today, while working out, I was doing a timed exercise movement with a dumbbell.  One minute, alternating hand snatch.

I had someone timing me and calling out when I was half way through.  Then when I had 10 seconds to go.  The a countdown from 5.

I THOUGHT I was going hard, but when it got to the 10 second to go mark, I gave it a bit more *umph* (if you know what I mean).

So, no matter what your goal is, whether it's a timed/duration goal (ex. write a blog everyday for a year straight) or a certain measurement (ex. certain amount of weight), DON'T QUIT because you are ALMOST THERE.

You are ALMOST don't quit.

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