Thursday, February 28, 2019


We have been on a journey for the month of February.

The ABCs of CANCER....a 26 MILE/LETTER journey through the eyes of the patients of ST. JUDE CHILDREN'S RESEARCH HOSPITAL.

We showed, each day, a letter of the alphabet and how the patient/artists described what that letter meant to them in relation to their time at St. Jude.

Some were lighthearted and funny.  Some where straight out honest and heart wrenching (remember the letter Y just a couple of days ago?).

I mentioned yesterday, that in a marathon, you can't stop at mile 26 and think you are done. 

There is still .2 miles to go.  

352 yards.

Almost one lap around the track.

At this point in the race, you can see the finish and the feeling of accomplishment sweeps over you (at least it does with me...every time).

Life is a marathon...not a sprint.

Unlike a marathon race that is 26.2 miles long, in the marathon of life, we don't know how long it will be.  We just know that it is supposed to be many, many years.

So even though our journey is over, like the marathon race itself, there are MANY who are still in the race.  

Still fighting.  

Still battling.  

Day in....Day out.

As we take our ".2" to reflect....we acknowledge ALL those who HAVE run and those still in the race.  

YOU are the true HEROES of this journey.  

Thank you for giving us your insights into what your race looks like.

THAT is why I run as a ST. JUDE HERO!

Each day in our ABCs of CANCER journey, we asked that if your name corresponded with the letter of the day, to consider a donation to ST. JUDE via my ChicagoMarathon St. Jude Heroes donation site.  I am blessed to report that over this time, we have had $405 come in, which takes our total to over $1550....half way to our goal of $3000!  You ALL are amazing.  So, if your name begins with ANY letter of the Alphabet, would you consider a donation to St. Jude at the link below?  THANK YOU!

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