Thursday, October 11, 2018


"Please Lord, help me get ONE MORE."  Desmond Doss

A little over a year ago, the CHEERLEADER and I watched the movie, HACKSAW RIDGE, which told the true story of an American Hero, Desmond Doss.  If you haven't seen it, it's worth the watch...very "war graphic" but worth it.

As a medic, Doss helped 75 men, who were wounded during battle, to get to safety and a chance for medical attention to help save their lives.  In one scene, it was at night, and Doss spent that night going behind enemy lines to get those wounded.  As the night went on, and Doss obviously hurt, tired and sore, you hear him say over and over again, "Please Lord, help me get ONE MORE."

What a picture of drive and determination.  

It got me thinking about ONE MORE.  

What if we...I lived out each day with a "ONE MORE" mentality?  What would the impact be each day?

ONE MORE smile.
ONE MORE kiss.
ONE MORE bedtime story.
ONE MORE step.
ONE MORE mile.
ONE MORE football game with your boys.
ONE MORE tea party with your girls.
ONE MORE laugh.
ONE MORE tear to wipe dry.
ONE MORE opportunity to right a wrong.
ONE MORE time to say I LOVE YOU.
ONE MORE encouraging word.
ONE MORE story about your family history.
ONE MORE song.
ONE MORE dance.
ONE MORE dinner with family and/or friends.

Since we are not assured of tomorrow, these are just a few things we all can do, beginning today, to make ONE MORE impact on lives around us.

So here is your BEST YEAR YET challenge:  say, "Please Lord, help me do ONE MORE."

Drop me a line and tell me about your ONE MORE.  And if you come up with a different ONE MORE than is on this list above, include it and we'll add to the list!

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