Friday, September 14, 2018


September, is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

Let's talk about VISION and specifically one VISIONARY, Danny Thomas.

Danny Thomas is the founder of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, TN (to see a short video about the history of St. Judes, click HERE).

As the story goes, Danny was a struggling entertainer.  He prayed to St. Jude Thaddeus, Patron Saint of Hopeless Causes, and said, "Help me find my way in life and I will build you a shrine"

After Danny became a success, he kept his promise.  He didn't want to just erect a statue, but to do something that would have lasting impact.  Thus, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital was born.

His VISION was that any child, from around the world, regardless of race, creed or economic status, would be able to receive the necessary medical help for life threatening diseases.  The kicker.....NO family would ever pay.


I'm sure many, when hearing of the VISION he had, came back with, "HOW are you going to do this?"  Probably fewer said, "WOW!"

But the WOW he started has continued for over 56 years.

When they first opened the doors of St. Jude in 1962, less that 1 in 5 survived childhood cancer.  Today, the survival rate has risen to 4 in 5 (80%)...but that's not good enough. They won't stop until NO child dies from cancer.


Personally, I haven't had a family member go through treatment at St. Jude, but I have close friends who have.  They have told me of how thankful they are for St. Jude and the care that their child received....all because of one VISIONARY!


This month (and any other for that matter), please consider partnering with St. Jude and donating what you can.  

Many of you know that since 2014, I have ran 5 different marathons as a St. Jude Hero, raising money and awareness for this great cause.  Most recently, in April, I ran the Boston Marathon as a St. Jude Hero, and currently I have been training for this year's St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend, which I will run on December 1st.

Over the years, many of you have been so gracious in your support of St. Jude and my efforts as a St. Jude Hero. For Memphis, I'm not going to be the only Peterson running.  My wife, The CHEERLEADER, is doing the 5k and my oldest son, Josh, is taking on his first full marathon.  All of us are running and raising money as St. Jude Heroes.

Would you consider being a part of Danny Thomas's VISION, whether again or for the first time?    If you can only give once, give to Josh or the CHEERLEADER.  Here are the links to our donation sites:

The CHEERLEADER'S donation site
Josh's donation site
Tim's donation site

As Danny Thomas once said, "No child should die in the dawn of life."

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